Part 4

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Lyss p.o.v

I've been talking to Liam everyday. he's coming by my house to say goodbye any minute.

there's a knock on the door. Must be Liam. You opened it and ran in his arms. "bye Liam I'm going to miss you!" he kissed my forehead "I'm gonna miss you too. do me a favor just say bye to Harry. please"

you nodded and walked up to Harry. You didn't hesitate to hug him. he made a sigh of relief "I thought I wouldn't get a goodbye hug" he whispered. you stood on you tiptoes to be face to face with him cuz he's inches taller. You looked into his green eyes and crashed your lips to his. he kissed back gently. you could feel him smile during the kiss. "Harry when you come back we'll both be 18. we can finally get married" he smiled "I know."

"sorry to break this up but Harry it's time to go to the airport." Paul said. "okay I'm coming" he gave you a sad smile "I love you Alyssa Marie"

"I love you Harold Edward" he smiled and hugged you and left. just like the first time..

<1 month later>

it's been quiet. but I've been hanging with my friends skip, jai, luke, james, and beau. also known as the janoskians. your phone started ringing. you jumped up to get it wishing it was Harry, but it was luke

To: Alyssa

From: Luke

'hey wanna come to my house. we are going to watch tv then go to the skate park(; pwease come'

To: Luke

From: Alyssa

'lol okay come pick me up'

To: Alyssa

From: Luke

'on my way!(:'

you got ready in jean shorts and a blue tank top and your black and blue vans. you grabbed your penny as soon as there was a knock on the door.

"hey Luke!" you said giving him a hug "hey lyss."

<at Luke's house>

"hello boys! give me hugs!" you said with open arms. they all gave you hugs. "okay erm what are we going to watch?" you asked beau. "uhm I don't know. Just flip thru channels and if you can't find anything good we'll pick a DVD" you nodded "okay your so smart!" you said pinching his cheeks. you started flipping thru when the screen said 'ONE DIRECTION GOSSIP!'

"omg Harry!!!" you screamed they all looked at you "I see your a huge fan" James said. "haha no Harry is my bestfriend! Now shh I'm watching!"

"who's the mystery girl with Harry? They've been spotted in new york together HOLDING hands and if you see here he has his arm around her waist while kissing her on the cheek. Is Harry no longer single? We'll find out in one directions interview after this." the lady said. you didn't notice you were crying.

"Alyssa are you okay? your crying."

jai said. "I hate harry! I can't believe he'd do this.ugh!!!! I'll be right back guys I need to make a phone call" they all said okay. you dialed Harry's number. He picked up the third ring

<on the phone>

Harry: hello

Alyssa: Harry who the fuck is that girl!?

Harry: what girl?

Alyssa: don't play dumb Harry! who is she!? She's all over tv with you!

Harry: oh....that girl

Alyssa: yea that girl now who the fuck is she!?

Harry: just some girl I met in NY

Alyssa: whats with the couple pictures?

Harry: idk but she's just a friend I swear! I lov-

Alyssa: oh save it Harry. see you when you get back!

I hung up not giving him a chance to say goodbye. by this time I was crying my eyes out.

"Alyssa are you okay?" Luke asked. I shook my head no. he didn't say anything he just hugged me. I felt so warm and safe in his arms. "Alyssa look at me," he lifted my chin up "forget him. if he wants to be with that plastic chick let him. If he's stupid enough to let go of the most gorgeous girl ever he's insane." you smiled "luke I wish it was easy to just forget him but I love him. I have since I was 8. we are supposed to get married and...and h-he went with that girl." I started sobbing on his shoulder. "she might just be a friend you never know lyss. and if he's dumb enough not to be the one waiting for you at the alter I promise you I will" you smiled and hugged him tightly. "your so sweet lukey. C'mon let's go watch tv" I said intertwining our fingers together.

<three months later>

I've been spending everyday with luke. He's so fun to be around. we've been at the skate park, his house, my house, skips house, james' house, and spend some time downtown together.

it's been really fun. I think I might be falling for him but I don't think so my heart belongs to Harry Edward Styles.

Harry's p.o.v

"okay boys you get to go home early!" Paul said.

"yes I miss my little crazy girls!" Louis said.

I get to see Alyssa. but I think she's still mad at me. she hasn't talked to me in three months. But she's been texting, calling, and skyping with Liam. but she never wanted to say hi to me when they asked her. but I got the ring...

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