Five: Coffee

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Kara made it to her apartment with enough time to get changed out of her supersuit and cover her shattered counter with a sheet to hide the mess. Lena arrived right on time, knocking on the door with a bundle of unnecessary nerves in the pit of her stomach. Kara opened the door in one of her simple dresses, a little purse in her hand. Their eyes met, silence lingering in the air as they simply stared at each other.

"Hey." Lena's smile was almost as gentle as her tone when the silence broke. She obviously felt guilty about last night, with Lucy, though Kara didn't know why.

"Hey. I'm sorry about last night." Kara replied, attempting to keep from biting her lip, but failing as soon as the sentence was finished, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as she opened the door a bit wider to let Lena in. She had a feeling this conversation would be long.

"It wasn't your fault. I started it." Lena shrugged, following Kara to the couch.

"I kissed back." Kara sighed. Both women sat down on the couch, incredible guilt in their chests.

"I know, I just feel like I hurt her." Lena mumbled.

"Hey. She's cheated on be before, remember? Three times, actually. She ruined our relationship long before we kissed." Kara assured her, placing her hand on Lena's knee gently. Her focus shifted to the amount of weight she allowed onto Lena's leg, trying to keep her touch light. She couldn't lose control of her powers and hurt the beautiful woman in front of her

"That doesn't help, you know." Lena sighed, placing her hand on top of Kara's. Her gaze was fixed on their hands, as if they were the only thing that mattered. Electricity flowed through Kara's veins as Lena's skin touched hers.

"Yeah, I know. She slept with my best friend, then someone from work, then girl who hated my guts, all in two months. I stayed with her, though, like an idiot." Kara sighed, leaning back into her couch and pulling her hand away.

"Damn, you're trusting." Lena muttered.

"No, just desperate. I was tired of failed relationships and dates with people I didn't really like, but I got along with Lucy, so I stayed. I didn't want to be alone." Kara explained. Lena leaned over suddenly and placed a kiss on the blonde's cheek, allowing her lips to linger against Kara's skin for a moment before pulling away.

"I know the feeling." Lena rested her head on Kara's shoulder.

"It sucks." Kara mumbled, tears filling her eyes as she felt Lena's arms wrap around her waist. A key turned in the lock of her apartment and Kara wiped away a stray tear before anyone could enter. Alex, Sam, and Ruby appeared behind the door, the youngest Arias-Danvers the most excited.

"Aunt Kara, can you sleep over tonight?" She asked immediately.

"Not tonight, kiddo. I have an article to write." Kara lied, smiling at her niece.

"Are we interrupting?" Sam asked.

"No! Of course not." Lena answered awkwardly.

"Kind of." Kara mumbled. Alex handed her sister a white paper bag and two grocery bags.

"You need food, kiddo. Eat something." Alex smiled.

"How did you even know I was here?" Kara asked, standing to put the groceries from her sister away.

"I didn't. I thought you would be out, but we got you some groceries and we were going to put them away and leave a note." Alex shrugged.

"What did you do now, Kara?" Sam groaned, motioning to where the counter used to be.

"Clark came over?" Kara lied, sounding more like she was asking a question.

"Yeah right, walking disaster." Alex teased.

"I can kick you out." Kara warned.

"We're leaving anyways." Sam pulled Alex towards the door, but Ruby stayed put.

"Can I stay?" Ruby asked.

"Aunt Kara's on a date right now." Kara whispered. Ruby high-fived her before leaving, which only made Kara laugh.

"They're pretty great. You're cute with kids." Lena smiled, watching Kara's cheeks turn bright red.

"I'm not cute." Kara mumbled, taking a seat next to Lena.

"You're adorable!" Lena exclaimed.

"I promise you, I'm not as adorable as you think." Kara giggled, but Lena shook her head. The brunette leaned forward and kissed Kara's lips. As they pulled back, Kara sighed, melting into Lena's arms.

"Adorable." Lena whispered. Kara smiled, her gaze dropping to her lap.

"I'm just awkward." Kara muttered. Lena placed her finger underneath Kara's chin, lifting it up.

"You're beautiful, Kara Danvers." She whispered, pressing her lips against Kara's again, this time letting it grow deeper until she was in Kara's lap. Kara was the one who stopped it.

"I'm not ready for a relationship or anything...I know I led you on, I just...can't." Kara muttered.

"That's...fine. I actually have to go." Lena replied, anger in her eyes.

"Lena, don't go." Kara called after her friend, who didn't even turn around.

"I'll see you." Lena called back coldly, slamming the door behind her.

A/N: Also giving you the angst early so that I can get it over with. Sorry..? Comment and vote, please? As my early birthday present? (My birthday's on Tuesday. I call it Jay Day and it's also International Unicorn day, so celebrate that. It's important.) Hope to see you guys next Wednesday!

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