~Elizabeth's POV~
"El come downstairs I made pancakes with icecream your favorite"Connor yelled. I imeaditly shot up out of bed cause I love Connors pancakes when I opened my door the smell just hit me and then rushed downstairs and devoured my pancakes mmmm they were yummy then Connor told me I needed to finish packing so I went up stairs and instantly finished cause I just got swag like that haha no I started last week because we are moving to CALI so I decided I was gonna go to the Starbucks down the street so I grabbed my penny board and said bye to Connor an left. I put on my beats and started singing then apparently I wasn't paying attention cause I ran into some boy "oh-oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going,wait aren't you Connor Franta's sister?" "Ummm ya so uh why are you penny boarding,vlogging and pulling a suitcase behind you?" "Oh I-" "omg I almost forgot your sam pottorff my brothers friend wait what are you doing in Minnesota?" I say utterly confused. "I am visiting you and con to help you guys get everything packed up and off to the O2L house" "oh that explains it we'll why don't you drop your stuff at my house and meet me at Starbucks it's just around the block" "ok I'll be there in 5" "ok bye" and then he skated of back to my house and I went to Starbucks. I walked in and ordered my usual cotton candy frap and looked on twitter while waiting for sam. I was just going threw the hate I mean I don't know why I get so much hate I didn't do anything you would think I wouldn't get hate cause I have a famous bro but noooo I used to cut but not bad only at really tough times like after my parents died but then I stopped for con because i promised that was when my ex cheated on me a month or three ago we dated for 4 monthes he cheated on me for 3 and a half what a jerk and the sam came in with con....