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"Her name? Scottie Casey," Tony softly murmured as the grin spread across his lips. "I cannot wait for you to meet her."


"Since when does Stark care so deeply about anyone but himself?" Sam asked the present members of the team while they waited on Steve and Tony to make their way to the Quinjet that was sitting ready to leave the Avengers training compound.

Natasha rolled her eyes slightly, looking to Rhodey to supply the ex-military man with the answer. Rhodey smiled slightly at her before turning around and passing a folder towards the man. Reaching his hand forward cautiously, Sam plucked the folder out of his hand and flicked through the file.

Nothing worth noting was really popping out until Sam saw exactly what Natasha was trying to get Rhodey to tell him. Across the bottom of the page was a single note - so small that Sam had almost missed it - but it was there.

"Last known legal guardian..." Sam murmured, trailing off as he closed the folder back over and looked up at the two Avengers in surprise. "I didn't realise Tony had adopted her!"

Wanda's head shot up at this, having been barely paying attention to their conversation until Sam had dropped that bomb on himself and on her. Vision also looked up slightly from where he was standing, but Wanda knew that the android 100% knew that file inside and out already and therefore would have known that prior to Sam's announcement.

"Not officially," Natasha said, turning around in the pilot's seat to face the rest of the team. "It was almost finalised but she dashed before all the paperwork had been completed. He was going to surprise her after..." She trailed off as Wanda filled in the gaps that Natasha had left.

"Ultron was made," she finished, causing everyone to somber up immediately at the thought of the metal man that had almost killed millions of people.

All conversation was instantly shut off as Tony and Steve strolled into the jet, both wearing normal clothes like the rest of the team as they continued whatever conversation they had been having before they had got on board. Steve laughed slightly as the man mentioned something about Pepper and Happy, before he sat in the co-pilot seat beside Natasha.

"Okay boys," Natasha said, her eyes flickering around the room as she looked at them all. "You're all on lookout while Maximoff and I try to figure out how the hell we're going to do this."


Smacking her head once more on the grass below her, the blonde let out a yell as she tried to regain her breath. Scowling as she heard the deep, raspy laugh from above her, she kicked her leg out and smirked as a small groan confirmed that she had made contact with her target.

"It's not my fault you're a sour loser Scottie," the man laughed as he playfully rubbed at the area where her foot had struck his shin. The girl stuck her tongue out at the man as she accepted his outstretched hand that was offering to help her get back to her feet.

"You and Lila clearly have an unfair advantage when it comes to this game," Scottie Casey replied as she raised a hand to cover her eyes from the sun. Leaning forward and quickly swiping the hat off of the man's head and sticking it on her own, she almost sighed as her eyes received some cover from the rays that were blazing down on them. "Capture the flag does not mean shooting the flag with a grappling arrow."

Clint Barton simply laughed at the girl as she rolled her eyes, watching as his eldest came sprinting over to them both clutching a dark green sheet of fabric in his eyes. The boy was cheering loudly as he ran over until his eyes latched on to the yellow fabric that his younger sister was clutching in her hand from where she rested on her father's hip. Cooper huffed angrily, turning on his heel and stomping straight back into the house without another word.

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