Chapter 1: the center

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Written by musicalobsession117

Trigger warning: self harm

Alex POV

"That'll be thirty dollars and... Seventeen cents!" Said the taxi driver as he pulled to a stop at the front of Kings college. "I-i only have a twenty."

The driver gave me a look of pity. "I'll let ya slide kid. Just make me a promise."

"And what's that sir?" I asked tentatively. "Don't end up doing what I'm doing right now, driving around druggies, jocks, and broke college students. Don't throw away you're shot!" He says handing me back the twenty giving me a smile. "Yessir" I say grabing my bag leaving the taxi and stepping on to the campus.

As the taxi drives out of view I whisper to myself "I'm not throwing away my shot!?"

"Not another crazy person!" A voice interrupts my thoughts. I look behind me to find a darker skinned, bald, man. He looks familiar? Then it hits me! "Pardon my intrusion but are you Arron Burr?"

He smiles at being recognized by I assume. "Pleased to make your acquaintance Mr.?" He says offering his hand

"Uh Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton" I say shaking his hand. "Pardon me but can you point me to the secretary of dorms?" I ask "oh but of course, it's just down there, second building on the left" he says pointing to the nearest marked side walk.

"Thank you!" I call as I walk towards the dorms office. Looking around I can't help but notice how lucky I am to be alive right now.

~time skip brought to you by Annie go get your gun~

"Okay sweetie, you'll be in dorm 1776 with a Mr. John Laurens, here are your keys." She says handing me two keys. "Have a good day ma'am!" I say as I walk down the hall looking for my room number. Until eventually on the third floor I find it I shove my key in the hole and turn the knob. I'm greeted by one of the finest living spaces I've seen since that temporary refuge camp back whe- no no no. Not today Satan.

I return to inspecting the dorm the kitchen is connected to the living room, it has a bar, dishwasher, and a built in wine opener? Huh. The living room has a large L shaped couch that has a matching coffee table. There's no television however, eh minor casualty. On the left next to the kitchen there's a closet. On the right there's a hallway with three doors one on the left two on the right. I open the first on the right to find a twin size bed, dresser, and body length mirror.

Closing the door I head to the door on the left to find a bathroom with a stand up shower, two free bars of cucumber soap, and a tiny trash can. Closing the door I head to the last bedroom to find a room with a twin size bed, desk, dresser, and full length mirror. I decide this will be a lovely room to set up shop in besides the other room is bigger. I set my laptop on the desk beside my picture of brother. I stare for a moment and then begin unpacking once more.

~time skip brought too you by president Jefferson~

As I'm admiring my expert interior decorating skills I hear the door open followed by a male voice "dayum!"

I step out of my room, walking towards the living room. "Hello." I say, however in that moment I must have died because because when he turns around I'm seeing god himself. His freckles a galaxy, his hair a Jungle waiting to be explored, his eyes greener than the healthiest leaf, and oh my God his ass!

Then he ruins it. "Who the fuck are you?" He asks. "I-im you're roommate." I answer. "Ah well that makes sense, which room is mine?" He asks. I point to the first one on the right, "I saved you the big-"

"Yeah whatever" he says pushing past me. He walks in his room and slams the door. My vision gets blurry my eyes are filling with tears, why am I crying. I didn't do anything wrong, if anyone did it was him! Yet the tears still escape my eyes I walk calmly to my room closing the door and locking it behind me reaching into my bag I pull out the last thing I needed to put away a small tin box full of things that seem to always make the pain go away.

John pov

Why in the name of art did I just do that. He looked cute! And I just shoved him away like like... I sit on the edge of my bed, through the walls I hear soft sobbing. I really should apologize. While thinking it over I notice something about his sobbing it spikes almost as if something is making restart...SHIT!

I run out my room and to the bedroom down the hall trying to turn the handle a hear a sudden rush of movement from the other side the. clinking of tin, the shuffling of feet, and a drawer being closed. He opens the door somewhat paler than when I first met him. "What" he says in a soft voice.

And in this moment I realize I have a decision either ask directly or be indirect... I choose the latter

"Do you wanna go to the store" I ask. He nods his head and steps out of the doorway but before he can close the door I catch the sight of a small amount of red on the white carpet.

~time skip brought to you by the squip song~

We pull up in the parking lot of the  grocery store. He starts to get out the car but before I can I stop him. "Wait I uh... Never caught you're name" giving him a slight smile. A slight amount of color floods back into his face as he answers. "didn't throw it... Alex my name is Alex."

"Sorry bout earlier Alex I was a huge dick for absolutely no reason, can you please forgive me?" I say. He stares at me for a moment. "Can you pay" he asks smiling slightly. "Yes" I answer.
"Then you're forgiven." He says leaving the car. His hair billowing in the slight breeze.

1054 words.

Ok hey Everyone this is just one of the authors here just wanting to let you know if you need to talk I'm usually up.
Sincerely musicalobsession117

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