chapter three: Mad(ison) like a hatter

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       Written by: musicalobsession117

Trigger warning: self harm, gore, and mention of rape.

James.m POV

I lay in my bed. Red stains plauge these white sheets. Thomas is gonna be so mad when he gets home. We we're supposed to have mac and cheese tonight, eh whatever.

The blood is slowly flowing still, I feel my eyes get heavy. I know I won't die I can't. The world, Thomas, and what little friends I have won't let me.

Those bastards.
That's the last thought I have before I'm pulled back to that faithful day the one where the real jemmy was lost to the wind.

In the Dreamscape

I'm standing there as my past self runs down the alleyway little do they know it's a dead end. They reach the brick wall at the end. I'm following behind in close pursuit, for I know all to well what happens next.

"La da da da, la da da Dee ya daa!" George chants slowly walking towards me. And right behind him is James Renyolds. Past me is stuck with nowhere to run. James Renyolds pulls out a rubber mallet. And quick as a flash, past me is out cold and bleeding from they're skull.

The dream shifts suddenly I'm in a dark room with past me hand cuffed to a bed. he looks frightened. The door swings open revealing George and James, wearing only jeans. Past me starts to struggle more and more. HA. he has the ability to feel, to be afraid. After six months of that I lost the will to care and feel. They starved me, beat me until wanted to die, raped me. Until finnaly they got bored. They dumped me on the door step of my family's house half way dead. My parents didn't find me until morning when my mother found me she started crying my name. " James, oh james, my baby!"

Exit dreamscape

I awake Thomas by my side. I smile just slightly knowing he's here. He's the only one who can make me feel human after everything I went through all those years ago. I start tracing my thumb on the bandages on my arm. "Jemmy?!" I hear Thomas ask. "Hey." I say. " James... Uh how are you?" He asks. "I want to die" I say in a monotonous voice. Thomas just sighs. I look at him and read his emotions he's sad, disappointed, and in love? What. How. With me? I hope not he deserves someone who doesn't try to kill themselves every other week.but... on the other hand he is the only one who makes me feel emotions anymore. I decide to address this issue later.

"Jemmy? Do you wanna go back to the dorm?" Thomas asks. "Yeah." I say. "Alright, I'll be back in a bit." He says getting up and leaving the room. I look at the bandages on the gashes in my arms. How do I not die?

~time skip brought to you by crickets on a Monday night~

I walk into my room to find my knife laying on the sheets bloodstained as always. I look around for it's sheath, I find I next to the bed in a pool of dried blood. I sheath the weapon and return it to my belt. Next on my todo list is the sheets I take them to the washing machine grab bleach and baking soda, put it all in the washer and set it on heavy duty. Next up was eating, I went to the fridge and discovered leftover Mac and cheese. yay. I throw it all in the microwave for a few minutes. While I'm waiting I decide to catch up on my Wattpad stories, most of them are angsty evil shit but I have a few fluffy ones for certain occasions. The microwave beeps which draws Thomas into the kitchen. "Whatcha got there jemmy?" He asks. "Your soul food." I reply as I begin to eat.

"Hey jemmy?" Thomas says.
"Yeah Tommy?" I respond.
He takes a deep breath and begins. "Jemmy, we've been friends since we'll, since forever. And I didn't use to feel this way but over time the feeling just grew, and grew, until I realized one day that I love you. I love you so much, so in relation to that would you do me the honor of going out on a date with me on Friday?"

I'm not supposed to be surprised, Im not supposed to be happy, I'm not supposed to find love, and yet I'm all of those things. So... I do what any guy in my position would do. Faint into my bowl of Mac and cheese.

~Time skip brought to you by Defying Gravity~

I wake up alone in my bed. I sit up groaning, everything smells like cheese. Thomas is sitting on the couch watching vine compilations on YouTube. I walk up to him, sit in his lap, and steal a kiss. He immediately feels tense and surprised, however after a few moments he melts into the kiss. We stay like that for what feels like forever, the kiss getting more passionate as time progresses. He pulls off my shirt I do the same with his. And we resume the making out session. The emotion I'm feeling right now is insane passion, love, need, lust, care. It's all just one big clusterfuck of feelings and I love it! He starts tugging at my pants and after that i loose it I throw my self off of his unsheathing my knife, I prepare to strike then I see Thomas he looks frightened. Immediately i drop the knife.

After that I fall to my knees and start sobbing. Thomas comes to my position on the floor and hugs me whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Eventually after I've calmed down we return to the couch.

"I'm sorry." I say. "No! It was my fault I shouldn't have assumed, I should've asked if you were okay with that, I'm sorry!" He says, some tears running down his face. I move closer to him and wipe away the tears with my thumb. I give him a simple kiss. "I'm sorry that I'm so damaged I can't give you what you want, however one day I'll give that to you. Just please, give me time. Had you been anyone else, I'd be burying a body right now!" I say earnestly. "I'll give you all the time you need baby!" He says giving me a hug. "Can we still go on that date?" I ask. "Of course my dear jemmy, of course!" He says excitedly.
I'm happy with my choice...

1105 words.

Hello my peeps!
As you can tell so far from these first three chapters this will be a book filled with alot of drama heartbreak and shit like that, also the main characters include Alexander, John, Peggy, and James. While planning this I decided that I wanted to shine some light on these characters that are often shoved to the side, well the last two anyway. Also I'd love to hear suggestions for Thomas and James date. Also also, these three chapters all happened in the span of the same day. (except for this one it took the span of two.) So the next chapters will pickup where this one left off as far as time line goes, perspective is completely up for speculation.
Anyhoo this is too long, stay safe my dudes
Sincerely, musicalobsession117

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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