find me

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Taehyung's eyes watered up as he looked between his love and his mother in her car "I don't have a choice, Yoongi. I'd stay if I could but I have to g-" He was interrupted abruptly as Yoongi cut in; "To Seoul because your father has a new job, I know.." The older looked down, his heart fully shattering for the last time. 



"Will you remember me, even after I'm gone?"

"What do you mean? Of course I will...?"

"Then come and find me."

7 Y E A R S L A T E R

Taehyung sighed internally as he began another boring shift at his dead-end job as a barista. As he began to take orders, he felt more and more drained with every social interaction he'd make; socialising isn't everyone's thing, okay?

Yoongi entered the café, the aroma of coffee and tea filling his nose, illuminating his face with the vibe the aesthetically pleasing location was giving. He walked to the small queue for the till as he peered at the menu, hard pressed on finding a drink that would actually suit his particular cravings at the current moment. Before long, he found himself zoning out as the barista waved his hand in front of his face, "Sir! Sir? Are you ready to order?" Taehyung smiled warmly as he waited for Yoongi to order his drinks and or food.
Yoongi jumped as he was ripped from his thoughts, his eyes landing on the angelic sight of his lost love, his eyes widening slightly at the fact that THE Kim Taehyung from Daegu didn't remember him. His lover, his lost love, standing right in front of h-

"A Latte with two sugars, please."

"That'll be 3,000¥, sir."

Taehyung nodded, noting down his order, his eyes not leaving Yoongi as a wave of familiarity washed over him. Maybe he was just a customer he'd seen before, yeah...something like that. Yoongi sat down at a table as Taehyung prepared his drink, bringing it over and placing it down with a smile. Taehyung somehow felt attached to the boy, on a more..emotional level, he can't just be a customer..right? 

Yoongi finished his drink, wiping off the small cream moustache he'd acquired from drinking the creamy beverage that Taehyung made. As he got up to leave the shop, he stopped, fishing into his pocket to bring out a small notepad and his wallet. Yoongi made his way to his former table that Taehyung was cleaning up as he wrote on the notepad his phone number and name, placing 10,000¥ in tips and the paper on the table. Taehyung's eyes widened as he looked at Yoongi weirdly. To this, Yoongi smiled and gazed into Taehyung's eyes as he whispered the three words that the younger boy had been wanting to hear for seven years.

"I found you."

The End.

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