On the Road pt. 1

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Lauren POV

It's been about an hour or so since we've been on the road. And we decided to drive a trailer so we're all together. We're also taking turns driving. My babe is up first. Emily and I are beside each other and I can't help but stare at her. "What? Do I have something on my face?" she asked "uh, n-no. Um, hi. How are you?" I replied "I'm great. This trip is fun so far" she says "yeah it is. Hey wanna play 21 questions?" I asked "um yeah sure. Why not" she says happily "okay, you first" I say motioning with my hands

21 questions and 21 long answers later

Emily POV

I never thought I would like Lauren so much. She's a really nice person. I'm glad her and I are friends now. It's been 2 hours and now we have to switch drivers, a bathroom break and more snacks. Next person to drive is Lexi. So that means I get to talk to Ali.

After the small detour

"hey Ali, how have you been?" I ask "I've been great actually, Lauren is great. Shes sweet, loving, and loyal. She's my dream girl" she replies. Oh no she didn't. No don't get jealous, you chose Lexi over her, remember? I tell myself. "oh, um, that's good. I'm sorry I need to go do something. I get up and go to the front.

Alison POV

Well that was weird. Does she like me still? Oh no. That's not good. But she had a girlfriend, why would she still like me? Ever since she chose Lexi kvetch me about a year ago we haven't really talked, when we did it would be short. Oh god. I think apart of me still likes her, but I also like Lauren.

2 and a half hours later

We stopped for a second time. This time for dinner we got McDonald's. And we switched drivers and it was Laurens turn. Witch was actually good because I got the chance to talk to Emily about earlier in private. "hey em? What happened to you earlier?" I asked curiously "oh, um nothing I just.... Wasn't feeling well so I went up front to get some air" she replied while playing with her fingers so I know she's lying. It's just a thing I picked up a few years after we became friends "are you sure? Because you looked a little jealous" I say while moving closer to her "me? Jealous? Of what? I mean I chose Lexi over you, remember?" she replies getting more nervous "okay,  well if you need anything I'm here okay? Just remember that" I say getting up to go sit by my baby.

Another 2 and a half hours later. We arrived at our first hotel. We checked in and talked for awhile and then we all fell asleep.

A/N I know this chapter is sorta short but it's hot and I'm tired. I hope you enjoy :)

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