Sent away

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Hello! Append here! i'd like to warn people that there will be gay and there will be some or a lot of grammar error!. So please don't complain that my writing style sucks or there are many mistakes, your comment will be taken down! Now I know some people would most likely read this, some may not. I don't mind writing a stupid story, its a passion for me to write. I'm terribly sorry for making you wait. I'll let you read now :).

Y/N Pov

'Paris huh...what a waste of money' I said in my mind then glanced, looking at my passport in my hand. 'I really guess I'm not needed here anyways too..' I walked towards the entrance towards my assigned plane and walk past the woman who glared at me. I ignored her and went inside the plane meeting the pilot and lots of other passengers. I swiftly speed walked past the passengers not wanting to get attention from them and quickly seated myself next to the window in the back of the plane.

I sat quietly in my plane seat, noticing that I was alone in. I looked behind me and saw that one boy was sitting there quietly glancing out the window. I sighed knowing he just looked exactly the same as me when I was being sent away. Auto-phobia sucked, but that's  just what I feel and I can't get rid of that. I felt like a complete unfit person in every group I was in and I didn't think they liked me either. 'Loser' I thought as I lied myself back down on my chair. I pulled out my phone, while pulling my headphones out from my back pocket and plugging them in the audio jack. I turned on my phone and looked at my background as Me and my friends were on there. I looked at it deeply and switched the background to a default one. I tapped on my phone quickly as I swiped through my playlist and scrolled down looking at my choices. 'This seemed to be a good one' He tapped one and waited as the loading screen turned into a picture of a boy band. 

The music in my ear blocked everything from the real world as the sound of sorrow and sadness traveled me through a different dimension.  Every word felt a stab in the heart and a twist as memories started to come back to Y/N in every direction in his brain until it came to a stop where he started to push everyone away. His mind stopped where he and a boy were kissing in the locker room just by themselves as they pinned each other on to cold metal of the lockers. He and him were happy together until he found out the love of his life was leaving him for a girl. Y/N  of course was heartbroken and decided to not ever start date or do a relationship with anyone ever in his life, that's when he started to push everyone away including all his social media life. Y/N was always a cheery person and everyone adored him and treated him kindly in school until 'It' started. Everyone was worried about the male but Y/N never cared and just ignored everyone else and looked away when they were talking to him.  Ever since that incident it was called the 'The Lie'. Reason why it was called the lie cause of many reasons. The boy who lied about his love to Y/N, the lie of being Ok ,and the lie of being a alive...

I stared out the window blankly and stoned as my eyes started to water. I wipe my eyes with my sleeves and sniffed. "Alex!" A women called loudly on the plane which made me look around quickly with a panicked face. 'No...not him..' I looked quickly around trying to find a ravened hair male. 'No not here!' I start too hyperventilate causing me not to breath through my lungs. There he was..Alex...The boy who broke his heart and made him this way..

3rd person

Y/N looked at him wide eyed as he sat down next to a women and a girl which was probably the girl he chose to go for. Y/N closed his eyes in fear and hatred and looked at the window immediately not making eye contact with 'him'. Y/N couldn't believe it, he felt like dying in this plane ride. The speakers blared loudly in the plane which made everyone go quiet as the plane started to get altitude and lifting off like a flock of geese. 

Once the plane was in the air, Y/N looked outside and stared down at the ground which was a long way down. 'Goodbye' he thought as he closed his eyes from crying and knocked himself unconscious. As the boy fell asleep, another boy was watching the male from afar with a glint of guilt and sadness in his eyes as the girl beside him held his shoulder. Alex was the boys name and he watched his Ex boyfriend from his seat which was only across the other side of the plane. 

He kept staring at him and then looked away and stared at the girl who was holding him tightly. Jessica was a popular girl back at the school where Y/N attended and her parents thought it was a great idea to send her and her boyfriend Alex to Paris France to have a little vacation. Jessica was a kind girl with the perfect looks and of course people were jealous of her since she was also a very wealthy person and had the most loving parents in the world. How did Alex fall for her of course? Well he didn't cause he was forced too.  

Alex's family were poor and they didn't have good jobs that paid them well and the bills were killing him and his family. Jessica family decided to make a contract with his family which they of course agreed and they would be getting a better job at her family's company. Ever since then his family decided it was best to force him to break up with Y/N. Alex was heart broken when they told them, He was beyond mad but was sad at the same time. He felt helpless and alone, he didn't have the confident or power to go against his parents.

Ever since then, Alex would always put on a big fake smile when he was around people in school and his parents along with Jessica. He was hurting in the inside until he grew numb and his routine began to become the same everyday. He would always glance at Y/N as much as he can to at least have the emotion he always wanted a emotion that makes his heart flutter, the one that always make his fake smile turn into a real smile. 


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