Jenaki & Hanuto ||Chap. 7||

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Jenaki's POV

I stay quiet, as they explain to Hanuto's Mom what's going on. They revived him. He's stable. He's alive. I try to eat, but the pain is too strong. I have to see him. I have to know if he's okay! I get up, and walk over to the docter.
"May I just please have a look at him? Please, sir. He's my best friend." I say.
"Okay. Fine, but make it brief. We need him rested." Said the doctor. I walk in slowly.
"Hanuto?" I say.
"Yeah. That's my name. Who are you?" Said Hanuto. I just stand there.
"Who am I? Y-Y-You don't know who I am?" I stutter. He shakes his head. I quietly gasp.
"Wha...but..." I mutter.
"Who are you? Why are you here?" He said.
"I'm...Jenaki. I-It's me...Jenaki." I say.
"I've never seen you before in my life!" He yells. I gasp. Louder this time.
"Never seen me before...? What?" I say, placing my hand on my chest.
"Nurse!" Yelled Hanuto. I get scared. The nurse come in.
"Yeah?" She asks.
"Get this girl out of here! I don't know her." Said Hanuto.
"No. No! NO! Wait!! Please! Hanuto! It's me! Jenaki! Your best friend!! Hanuto. It's gotta trust me." I say.
"No. I don't know you, and I don't trust you. Get away from me, creep." Said Hanuto.
"Creep." I whisper. I walk out of the room, crying.
"Jenaki! How did it go? Was he okay?" Asked Mishiki. I looked at the floor, and sat down without saying anything.
"Jenaki? What happened?" She asked.
"Creep." I whisper.
"What?" Responded Mishiki.
"Creep. He called me a creep. A creep. Mishiki, he says he doesn't know me. He said he never saw me before in my life. I tried to convince him, but..." I say.
"Really? Oh my gosh. He really said he doesn't know you?" Asked Mishiki. I nod. The doctor comes over.
"Girls. I'm afraid he has amnesia." He explained. I gasp. The meant he really didn't know who I was.
"He doesn't remember me." I whisper to myself.
"Jen...I'm so so sorry." Said Mishiki. I sit down, and breath. I breath in, and I breath out. I sat down, ready to go home.

Hanuto's POV

Some girl just walked in saying she was my best friend, but I don't remember. She said her name was Jenaki. I'm not sure. She was weird. If she was my best friend, then I would know. But there's something about her. Is it, her glasses? Nah. Her brown hair? Nah. Her pale skin? Nah. Is it, the sound of her voice? I don't know, her voice is so soft. It's so light. I like it. I wanna know more about her. I asked the nurse if she could come back in. Soon enough, she was here!
"Hanuto?" She said. I smiled at her voice.
"Yeah. What's your name?" I asked.
"Jenaki." She said quietly. I motioned to a chair. She sat down.
"Why are you shy?" I ask.
"That's just how I am around people." She explained. I listen, nodding my head to the words she says.
"I see. Well, you don't have to be shy around me." I say. I see her smile a bit.
"You can invite your friends in you know." I say. She walks over to the door, and motions for some nice looking people to come over. They look like they are sad, but I don't know why, and I wanna help.
"Hanuto? Are you okay?" Asked a girl with brown hair. She looked cool! She wore glasses, and her hair fell down to her shoulders.
"Yeah man. You alright? You really scared us." Said a tall man. He seemed nice to. They all seemed nice. Jenaki was very silent.
"Hello. I'm Hanuto! What's your name?" I ask. I hear them gasp. They whisper to each other. I'm confused.
"Um, Im...Mishiki." Said the girl with brown hair. I chuckle at that name. Mishiki. It's cool! I do like it!
"That's a pretty cool name! How bout you? What's yours?" I say, motioning to the tall man.
"Me? Oh, my name is Uchike." He said.
"That name is pretty cool too!" I say. They all smile at me. Then, some really old lady walks in. She's crying.
"Hello...?" I say.
"Hanuto! Oh my gosh! Your okay!" She said. I put on a confused face. I asked the everybody if they could leave. All except, Jenaki. She looked down at the floor.
"So, Jenaki right?" I say.
"Yeah, Yeah. That's my name." She said. I look at her flawless body. She's a beauty.
"You said you know me?" I ask.
"Yeah, we were best friends. We did everything together." Said Jenaki.
"Wow. Can I have your number? I would like to get to know you better." I ask.
"Y-You already have my number..." Said Jenaki.
"Seriously?" I say, reaching for my phone. I check my contacts, and sure enough...she's there. I have her contact as:


I press the home button, and stare at my wallpaper. I look back at Jenaki, then at my phone, then at Jenaki, then at my phone.
"I-Is that y-you?" I stutter, showing her the wallpaper for my phone. Her eyes go wide.
"Yeah...t-that is me!" She yells. I look at her. She sits back in her chair, and relaxes.

Jenaki's POV

I sit back in my chair. I'm on the brink of crying
Hanuto has me as my wallpaper?
I zone out into space, thinking.
Does he love me? And not just like friends. But as something more? That can't be! I mean...he did ask me to hang out with him.
"Jenaki? You okay there?" He Asked. I snap out of my mind, and respond.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just lost in my thoughts."
"Okay. Well, I better get some rest." Said Hanuto.
"Oh. Oh! Okay. Yeah, no problem. I should head home too. I'll come back tomorrow, okay?" I say, getting up and picking up my purse.
"Yeah. I'll be here waiting!" He said.
"Bye Hanuto." I say, walking out of the room. I pass Mishiki, Uchike, and Hanuto's Mom. I wave goodbye to all of them, and leave the hospital. I head home, realizing it's pretty late. I throw on my pajamas, and head to bed. Waiting for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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