Thats all folks idfkagshkflv

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"I just needed to get away, you know what I mean?" Draco said with a mouth full of pasta.
   Images of a purple-faced Vernon with his hand outstretched flashed in Harry's mind.
"Yeah, I know what you mean," He responded quietly.
"You do." Draco narrowed his eyes. "Fuck," he whispered under his breath.
Harry turned around, trying to figure out what Draco was looking at.
"You're really skinny, Harry," Malfoy said suddenly. "Keep eating."
   Harry. He loved being called Harry. He loved Draco caring about him. He loved Draco.
   Harry kept eating.

"I have awful breath now," Draco stated. They were sitting on Harry's floor-bed.
"You're not using my toothbrush," Harry said slowly.
"Wasn't planning to. I'm just telling you," Draco shrugged, smiling. His dimple was on the other side, but Harry could picture it. He was obsessed with it.
"Did you ever... no, that's stupid, never mind." Harry rubbed at his warmed cheeks.
"No, what? It's one in the morning, time to answer stupid questions." Draco leaned forward a bit.
"You ever have crushes on guys at school?" Draco grinned, looking at his lap.
"Of course." He looked up, hair getting in his eyes. Harry reached out to fix it, but stopped. "Go on." Draco smirked. "I'm very bold when I'm tired," he explained.
   So Harry went and he moved Draco's hair out of his face. And then he ran his fingers through it... just to make sure it'd stay put.
"You must have been very tired fifth year," Harry joked. Malfoy had been at the top of his bully game that year.
"Fifth year I realized I didn't like boobs," Malfoy smiled, leaning closer.
"What made you realize?" Harry was genuinely interested. Draco just looked at him and laughed. "Alright, you're very tired."
"Y'know, I've never actually said it out loud?" He ignored Harry.
"What, that you're gay?" Draco cringed a little, but he nodded.
"'Cause then I'm fucked up. I'll be really fucked up if I really say it. But you make me want to say it, Harry."
"Go to sleep before you say something stupid." Harry tried to help Draco stand, but he stayed sitting on Harry's bed. "Draco."
"Mmhm?" His eyes were closing as he sat there.
"Draco, go to sleep."
"MmI just wanna... I wanna stay here withyou." Harry pushed him gently so he fell onto the pillow. He grabbed the other pillow on the sofa and laid it down next to Draco's.
"Nox." Harry whispered and the lights went out. He placed his wand and glasses on the floor beside the bed.
"Harry?" Draco's hand shot out and grabbed his arm.
"Shut up," Harry whispered. Draco's hand felt around until it found Harry's mouth. And then his fingers were replaced with something softer. Lips. The lips Harry had been staring at since sixth year. He was kissing the most beautiful pair of lips and then they smiled and he was kissing an even more beautiful smile. And then he smiled to.
"Goodnight, Potter," they whispered against his mouth. And then they were gone and it was just darkness and silence.
"Wait, Draco.." he felt around and took Draco's hand. "I..." Shut up. He took his own advice for once.
   He was so tired but so happy. He was holding Draco's hand and he kissed him and... Harry fell asleep immediately.

   When he woke up, he was alone. His back hurt. But then he heard talking. A woman? Oh, right. Rosemary. He stood up, dizzy, and walked slowly to the front door. The girls were playing with a teddy bear as Rosemary spoke to Malfoy. Her face lightened even more when she saw Harry.
"Hey!" She waved happily. Harry forced a tired smile and waved back. Draco didn't turn around. "I hope you guys had fun."
"Oh, yeah, it was definitely an experience," Harry answered. They laughed.
"Well, thank you for taking care of my girls. I gave Mr. Malfoy the money— thanks for vacuuming! I can take it from here," Rosemary laughed again. She laughed a lot. It was seven in the morning.
"I'll just..." Malfoy quickly went and grabbed their wands, stuffing them into his coat. "Thanks, Rose, have a good day." He pushed Harry out the door.
"Shoes," Harry muttered, his eyes refusing to open. "Glasses."
"In the car," Malfoy replied.
"I put them in your car. I'm going to drive to the flat." Harry's eyes opened.
"You can't drive." So they were still going to live together.
"I googled while you were sleeping."
"Malfoy." Harry was pushed into the passenger seat.
   A million terrible thoughts went through his head in the moments it took for Draco to walk around the car and get in. Did he really dream last night?
"How much sleep did you get?" Harry rubbed his eyes. Draco shrugged, starting the car.
"Enough sleep to not have nightmares, but to also be able to function.. maybe an hour and 30 minutes."
"Draco, that's not-"
"Are we going to talk about it?" He glared at the GPS.
"About what?" Harry just wanted to make sure. Draco was exasperated as he typed in his address.
"About... it. About what happened. I-" he turned to look at Harry and there was something new in his darkened eyes. "Harry, if you don't want it then just tell me. Just get it over with." It wasn't new, it was just hidden.
   Harry kissed him so he wouldn't have to look at it. The fear.
"You idiot, of course I want you. Merlin, I've been in love with you since sixth year." Harry grinned. It was a nice thing to say out loud. That he was in love. He hadn't figured it out until yesterday, but there it was.
"Fuck, I was so scared you were gonna-" Draco shook his head.
"I'd never." He pushed his fingers through Draco's hair, making him sigh.
"It was you, y'know," Draco said softly. He was tracing Harry's face. "In fifth year, you were the reason I figured out I was.." his fingers paused on Harry's jawline.
"You don't have to say it." He gripped Draco's hand
"But I am," Draco smiled. "I'm gay." His eyes welled up. Harry kissed his lips to stop them from trembling.
"You're fucking beautiful is what you are."
   Draco bit his lip, placing Harry's glasses back on his face. Harry took both his hands and kissed them and then kissed his nose.
"I actually love you, you complete dumbass," Draco laughed wetly. Harry grinned and pressed their lips together one last time before Draco turned the car on.
   He stepped on the gas so hard they went from 0-50 kph in a matter of seconds. Then he stomped on the brake.

"So, I need some practice."
"Okay, I'm driving."
"Where'd your glasses go?"
"Oh, shit."

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