Chapter 20.

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"Im here for my daughter."

The women said. Y/N dropped the bear she just picked up and backed into the wall.

"Ayato....don't let that woman in. She is Satan in a disguise. "

"How dare you say that about your mother!" the woman yelled at Y/N, pointing. "You need to be punished."

Ayato, still standing by the door, closes it really fast. "See problem taken care of......" he mumbled.

"No its not! She will bring Kino here! It will be a complete disaster. " you argued with Ayato.
"For starters....Who is Kino?"
"The guy sending wolves here. Duh."
"No time to try to be funny Y/N. I have work to do as your king."
He replies back.

"Its not funny business Ayato!"

Ayato's eyes grow worried for the first time in forever. Grabbing the handle, opening the door, the woman is no longer standing there. "I smell wolves." 
"Nah dip sherlock." Y/N says rolling her eyes, running away. "Ima look for Ruki!" she hollard back. 'He will be smart.'

(Had to rematch the anime... Noticed Ruki is alot like Ayato and Reji together.😅 anyone else? Also, I haven't updated in a month, Im sorry. My dog died and i was super sad... 😭 Im good now though.- okay back to the story...)

*At the Sakamaki Mansion.*

Y/N walks inside. 'I wonder where Ruki is...I haven't seen him in forever.' she thought. She was getting hungry and normally she wouldn't. She could control her thirst for blood, but this was a feeling more for blood lust. No blood. She wanted to get her hands dirty because she had been lazy. Like a certain someone she knew. Trying to fine Ruki she bumped into Reji. "What are you looking for Y/N?" Reji says as he picks his book up, he dropped. "Ruki!"

"Why Ruki? You do know Im smarter than him right?" Reji says in a cocky way. "Ha ha. No." Y/N walked past Reji and would of kept looking from him but he grabbed her. "I wanna help you with this. Please?"
Slowly and not sure, Y/N nodded her head. Blushing, she wanted Reji to let go off her hand. She wanted Ruki to help her at least that was what she thinks. "Fine. But Ruki helps?" Y/N asks.

"Of course." Reji said sarcastically but Y/N didn't seem to get it. "Thank you sooooo much Reji!"
Hugging the vampire Y/N runs away in search of Ruki.
Listen, sorry for the short chapter. To make it up to you another will be posted next time with the regular one.. So (2) . 🌹 😘 Also, thank you so much for reading this book.
Words: 448

Diabolik Lovers [[ Yui's little sister]] X vampire!sisterWhere stories live. Discover now