Chapter 11

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It had been a couple of days since we came back from that small town. I was so happy to see the kids again, Nigel hugged me as if it was the first time he saw me in weeks. Even Julie said 'Mama', for the first time ever, which made me break down into tears of joy. But something wasn't quite right. I had this pain in my stomach which would drive me crazy. So to save my children, and my husband for that matter, from asking so many questions, I went to the doctor today and I finally learnt the truth about what happened.

I drove into the driveway, trying to stop the tears falling down my face. I could see the kids playing in the snow. We had about 5 inches of snow fall in the last couple of hours and they were loving it. Nigel and Ben were chasing Julie around in the snow as Brian was throwing snowballs at them, gently of course. Freddie and John were making a snowman and Julie, who was tired of being chased, ran over to help. Roger and Megan were sitting on the bench, that was still half covered in snow, with their arms around each other. Roger was laughing as Ben slid and fell in a heap on the snow. Ben laughed back and moved his arms up and down, making a snow angel and soon enough Nigel did the same.

As I got out the car, I tried to smile as Brian came towards me.

"Hey, love. They just love playing in the snow!" He could see something wasn't quite right, he knew I went to the doctor today. He grabbed my hand and our fingers interlocked as he looked worried.

"Not good?"

One tear fell as he stared at me. "Brian, I'm so sorry."

Eventually I took in a deep breath and whispered. "I lost it. I lost the baby."

Brian looked really upset as I wrapped my arms around him in an embrace.

"Oh, sweetheart." He kissed my forehead as I silently wept in his arms. He wiped the tears away from my face as we eventually separated.

"We could always try again soon. But there's no rush." He said and I smiled back at him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"To be honest, I'm happy where we are now. Yes, once again, I lost something close to me thanks to these Bandits. But every time I do, it makes me stronger. At least I haven't lost you, or our beautiful children, or our wonderful friends. All I want is to know is that we'll have each other forever."

Brian smiled and placed his hand on my cheek. "You can count on it."

He pulled me in close and our lips met for a fleeting second. We laughed afterwards, happy that we had each other. Suddenly, he threw a snowball at my face, which was absolutely freezing. He was so much in hysterics at my face expression, he didn't see my snowball heading in his direction. As it hit his black curls, everyone laughed.

"That new colour suits you, May!" John said, ducking behind the snowman as Brian threw another snowball.

"Lovely dear!" Freddie laughed as he also ducked, expecting Brian to throw another one.

"Daddy, your hair is all white!" Nigel was giggling as his dad began to chase him. Brian picked him up and span him around and around, making his son smile from ear to ear.

Soon enough, everyone was throwing snowballs at each other. One funny moment was when Freddie posed behind the snowman as its head was missing and John threw a snowball right at his face.

"That, my fellow friends, I think was a bulls eye." He high fived Ben and Roger as everyone was collapsing on the ground in fits of laughter.

Nigel was annoyed that the snow was now ruined by the many footprints, so we all went for a walk in a local field. John's wife and Freddie's partner came along with us so it was a group of couples, followed by three screaming, energetic kids. The snow began to fall again as I saw John holding his wife tightly and Freddie skipping along, holding Jim's hand. Then I saw Brian picking up a lump of snow and I knew what was coming.

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