Every breath I take could be my last, the last of this clean air. In the asylum it was rumoured that they filled the air with the medication that helped make them 'sane' again. They send you there if they find out you haven't lost the gift, if you were found with it then you would be classed as insane. When we are younger we all had the ability to hear the souls talking to us, the ones that were left behind in this realm. They got trapped here for whatever reason, many of them having unfished business or were forced to spend all of eternity in limbo. I heard them moaning about unfair justice or muttering about what they had to do. Some of them were barely audible to me but they told me I needed to find the other. We were all able to hear the souls when we were younger but for most of us we will lose this ability as we grow up; those who don't lose it, we are locked up in the asylum. For me- and apparently another person- it'd grown stronger instead of fading, I had to find this other person before it was too late for the both of us...
Apart in life, together in a soul
Science Fiction"Souls hold this world together, but now they're tearing this world apart..." Two teens who never lose the gift they were all born with, mystery souls that lead them to each other and a never-ending threat of being sent to a mental asylum. You eithe...