Chapter 9- Just great

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Spectacular. Wonderful. Exellente. Absolutely amazing.

For this stupid game I have to go to another PARTY! Why me Santa Maria? Did I not pray enough times to you? I promise I'll do it more, even before eating lunch and when eating snacks!

One party is enough for at least....a whole year! And what's worse is my schools gonna be there. Simply fabulous. And for this one I actually have to dress up for this. I'm lucky they GAVE me something to wear.

Nononononononono. This is way too revealing. I turned round in the dress and it. Was. Stunning. The back was draped open to about just above my you know what. There were no sleeves and it sparkled navy blue in the moonlight. There was even a matching choker to go with it. The back dragged across the floor and the right was slit to show off my fabulous leg. Wow it was stunning...but there was one thing wrong with

I didn't like myself in it....yeah this would've looked good on Beyoncé...Amber...and even my sister! But I just looked...plain...
You know what forget it. I'm calling the perfect person I know to do makeup, she'll do it so good I'll look like I just got plastic surgery- the...type that actually goes right...

"Hermana. Code gold."


"Wow I look....not like me!"

"You know you are really beautiful sis, I don't know why you needed me to do your makeup Chiquita" said my best old bestie Jessie. Jessie is tryna figure out what gender they are so they have a tough time and it always make me feel better to comfort them.

"Aww you flatter me J, but seriously I didn't want to look over the top like this. All the rich white people are gonna be there and I'm gonna have to look fabulous for them to help me"

"Honey, you're gonna be wearing a mask you don't need his much. Teach you look hot but not you hot." They said sighing.

"Well my limo is gonna be here soon sooo"



"Thanks mr.driver!" I said as I got out of the oh so natural limo.

Jesus Christ they even have a bird....pool thing outside of their mansion! Damn these rich white people...

"Ah Ms. Sanchez I'm so glad you could make it." Wow Mr. Jones is way hotter in person. Dammit did I just say that! First I call his son hot now him! Wow if he could hear me right now-

"I can Miss Sanchez, but I assure you I am not prying into your thoughts you have spoken out loud."

Well done. Now let me speak. Oh hell no we all know what happened the last time you took over. And it did NOT end well. Too late suckaaaa

"Pardon my french sir. But you look absolutely breathtaking tonight, I thought I would just let you know that. And by the way, it is a pleasure to be here"

"You are very kind miss, you look very well yourself, right this way"

I swear I sensed something here...maybe it's the dude the games peoples had told me to look for...nah it could only be my imagination

Woah, his parents house is even bigger than his. Well duh he is only 17. A super, super hot 17 year old...SNAP OUT OF IT MIRA!

"You have an extravagant house sir, oh wow not even my house is this nice, and it's twice the size!"

"You are hilarious Miss Sanchez, please, do call me Steve"

A just as hot woman walked up to Mr Jo- I mean Steve and I and intertwined her arm with his.

I swear to jesus! This is creeping me out what is that feeling!

"Wow your wife is just as stunning as you sir, I see those genes run in the family"

"Oh darling! I love her! Son! Get over here!"

What the fuck have you done. Hey it isn't my fault you let me do this. No I recall you forcing me into this. Potáto potāto.

"Yes mother? You so ignorantly called?"
Of course he mumbled that middle part

"I want you to meet someone this is Miss D. Sanchez"

"Oh hey Mira"

"Language! We do not address proper ladies by their first names in this household"

"Sorry mother..."

Just then, a shady looking man barged past a crowd oh the door. It was him.

"Sorry I have to um... use the ladies room"

I ran out the back door searching for that man...but he was no where to be found like he just...disappeared...

I switched into wolf form, scaring some of the guests but right now I didn't care. It felt good to be back in this form again...running free and wild an- holy shit that dude smells good!

I suddenly felt a cold metal against my neck

"Who are you and why the fuck are you following me?"

Just great.

846 words? Woah that was way too many, so far I feel like this story is going no where and you may too, there are way too many characters who do are on for 2 seconds but don't worry it will make sense soon.
I think.
Anywaysssss, later brotater

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