Well I Never Thought You'd Stay (A Kellic Fanfiction)

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This is my first Kellic Fan Fiction so I'm really sorry if it's bad. Also this chapter was quite short because it was kind of just showing a little bit about Kellin. I hope you enjoy! P.S. I couldn't find a song that went with this chapter so I used Feel because it went okay with it.



Chapter song: Feel by Sleeping With Sirens



-----Kellin's Point Of View-----

Today is a new year at the same damn school, Sparta High. Mostly the same damn kids, people who like teasing, and bullying me, mainly because of my sexuality. I am gay, and I came out of the closet three years ago. What happend was; I had a really large crush on my bestfriend, Justin, who just happend to be the schools most popular person. He turned the whole school against me beacuse I kissed him. Worst mistake of my 17 years.

I crawled out of my filth covered bed sorely from the hits I took from my abusive mother last night. They where mainly on my chest, back and stomache, so I didn't have to worry about anyone from my school to see them. Not that they would get worried or anything, but you never know.

I grabbed some black skinny jeans out of my dresser and slipped them over my stick legs, then pulled my black Blink-182 shirt onto my stomache. I couldn't help but to look up into my mirror to see my disgusting blue eyes looking right back. I gawked at myself  from head to toe, disgusted of what I see. Fat rolls on my stomache, my thunder thighs, chapped lips, blotchy skin and crazy hair. A few stray tears fell from my eyes as I pointed out all of my flaws. 


Stop crying nobody cares about you or anything you do!

I wipped the tears away quickly and pulled my black brush through the rattsnest of hair I have going on. Once I was finished I straightened it and pulled a black beanie on my hair, I can at least try and hide it can't I?

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