Untitled Part 1

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John took a quick double-check to make sure there was no one around. He didn't hear, smell, or see any other living soul, save maybe a bird or two. He growled low in thought, frustrated beyond belief. How had life gotten so far off track? He continued to walk forward with a slight limp. His leg would be healed probably in the next day or so. Most people wouldn't notice it. Thankfully, John and his wolf were in agreement about showing weakness, it left them vulnerable. Not that there was anything likely to attack him, even if they both were spoiling for a good adrenaline rush.

As nice as she seemed, his therapist, Ella, wasn't very helpful. She was fully human and never had been nearly dead before. It felt wrong telling her about the war, about being a werewolf. The wolf agreed with him- no need to be airing everything out to strangers. John continued along down the street, he really didn't want to go back to his bed.


Mike Stanford spied a familiar figure walking towards him. Flashes appeared in his mind, glimpses of John and Sherlock- them running together down an alley, John pinning the man to the floor, them kissing; countless flashes of them laughing together, sherlock looking happier than he had ever seen. He also saw what would happen if he didnt do something. Both of them dead within the week. Mike couldn't, in good conscience, let that happen.

"John! John Watson, is that you? " he called out, grabbing his attention. Mike watched John cock his head to the side with a brief look of puzzlement before his face lit up with recognition.

"Mike? Mike Stanford?"

"Yup, that's me. I know I got fat." Mike laughed and patted his belly fondly.

"No, no you look fine" John tired to protest.

"It's my lunch wanna Join me, my treat, I still owe you after all. Lets see if i can out eat you know. " Mike said in joking manner.

In an attempt to get John to strike up a conversation with him. He didn't want to just drag John to Barts. He could be stubborn. He'd dig his heels in and refuse to budge. Mike was sure he'd gotten worse but knew Sherlock would be dragging John along with him on cases. They headed towards a small cafe.

"What can i get you guys today."

They ordered their and Mike watched his old friend. His blonde hair was the same, albeit shorter, his eyes were still dark blue with a hazel ring but the looked tired and hunted.

"heard you were in Afghanistan getting shot at, what happened? "

"i got shot and nearly blown up." his voice was tight.

Mike winced. "so are you staying in London? "

"Yes but not for much longer. Army pentison doesn't pay much and London's so expensive." mike heard him sigh. Picking at the sandwich the waitress brought.

"what about Harry or your pack. Couldn't they help? " mike asked knowing the answer

"Harry's well Harry you know. And the pack, well I left the pack when I joined the army instead of returning. Don't want to leave London but don't have much choice. "

"Why not get a flatmate?"

"Who would want me as a flatmate. " John replied bitterly.

Mike let out a little chuckle. "You know you're not the first person to say that to me today. "

"Who was the first?" he looked curious, good he needed john to flow him after all.

Thus far everything was going just how he wanted it to, he had told no lies. John would have caught that. Sherlock indeed had said the exact same thing to him just this morning. It was imperative that these two become flatmates and partner's. Even if Mike had not seen the flashes of their long future together and their short one's apart, he still would try and set them up. He did enjoy playing cupid, he was rather good at it.

"Why don't I introduce you, he's hard to explain. He'll probably still be at Barts. " Mike paid for their meals, John's had been barely touched.

He was worried about his old friend. It wasn't good to have a hungry werewolf wandering the streets. But if everything went well Mike wouldn't have to worry about Sherlock or John. Bonus Molly would be able to move on from the crush she had on Sherlock, then Mike would be able to find her a nice fellow. Yes things were looking well indeed.

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