Untitled Part 7

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John couldn't believe he just flowed Sherlock though the London streets, up and over buildings it had been fun. Exlirting even. The climbed the steps still giggling a little sherlock threw himself on the couch after taking his coat and scarf off, his hands folded up under his chin. John grabbed his stuff and headed upstairs. Lucky there was furniture already. John put his threadbare sheets on the bed put his clothes in dresser his shoes and dress uniform in the closet. It was a bit sparse but when he got the foot locker and box of medical texts from Harry's......well it would still be sparse but less so. He headed back down the steps but before he could do much else he heard the sound of multiple people come the stairs and bursting in to flat. The DI and his team were bursting into their flat. The wolf wanted to force them out of their den. The started to rummage through Sherlocks belongings John had to bite back a snarl. But then Lestrade had the gall to attempt to sit on John's chair. He growled at the cat shifter it was their chair not his. They had claimed it, they were all lucky John had good control of the wolf.

"What are you doing?! You can't just barge in here!" Sherlock spoke angrily.

"Well, I knew you'd find the case. I'm not stupid as you like to think I am." Lestrade said turning to Sherlock.

"You can't just break into our flat." John told him.

"And he can't withhold evidence. And I didn't break into your flat."

"Well, what do you call this then?"

"It's a drugs bust. "

"Seriously?! This guy, a junkie?! Have you met him?!" John exclaimed how dare they."'m pretty sure you could search this flat all day, you wouldn't find anything you could call recreational."

"John. "

"What? No, you? " He looked at Sherlock's face he couldn't believe it he was at a loss for words.

"Shut up. " Sherlock looked away from him and yelled at Lestrange "I'm not your sniffer dog."

"No, Anderson's my sniffer dog." He nodded towards the kitchen.

"Anderson, what are you doing here on a drugs bust?"

"Oh I volunteered. " Anderson spoke with a sneer.

"They all did. They're not strictly speaking on the drugs squad, but they're quite keen. You've made a lot people angry. " Lestrade told Sherlock with a shrug.

"Are these human tongues!?" Donovan exclaimed.

"Put those back!"

"They were in the toaster. " She looked at him like he was a bizarre creature. John really didn't want to know what Sherlock was doing with them. But if these people didn't leave soon John was going to be sorely tempted to shift and chase them out his home. If it was closer to the full moon he would have.

"Keep looking, everyone " The DI turned to Sherlock. "Or you could help us properly and I'll stand them down."

"This is childish. "

"Well, I'm dealing with a child. Sherlock, this is our case. I'm letting you in, but you do not go off on your own. Clear? Or this is what happens you cant hide evidence. "

"Oh, what, so you set up a pretend drugs bust to bully me into submission. "

"It stops being pretend if they find anything. I know you didn't just feed on cocaine addicts you also took it yourself"

"I am clean!"

"Is your flat? All of it?"

"Our flat. " John growled they were quite displeased with the treatment of their mate.

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