DBZ Vegeta and Goku's dream

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'Okay Kakarot im going to bed GOODNIGHT" Vegeta yelled. Vegeta walked into his bedroom gets dressed and goes to lay in bed. He slowely closed his eyes and after about 5 minutes he fell asleep........

'Hey Vegeta why are you naked' Goku asked standing in front of him. Vegeta opened his eyes and looked around 'Waah, this is weird, i was in bed just a minute ago 'Vegeta....why are you naked' Goku asked. Vegeta looked at Goku then looked down and noticed he wasnt wearing any clothes then he looked back at Goku 'Why are you naked then' Vegeta said to Goku.

'oh yeah i remember, let me go back, well we walked into this big pink house and both went into the bedroom and started to take our clothes off.....' Goku started to say

'OMG DID WE' Vegeta yelled

'Yes...yes we did' Goku said smiling

'OMFG that is just discusting, im married, i have a KID' Vegeta yelled 'YOU HAVE A KID'

'Yeah so....this is your dream, this is your fault' Goku said

'Wait...what' Vegeta said

'Its your dream, your sleeping and you made this happen..maybe just maybe you wanted this to happen' Goku said 'I dont really like the idea about this either but i didnt have a choice'

Vegeta smiled as he noticed that its his dream he can do whatever he wants, have any powers he wants. Vegeta started saying all these bad things in his mind of how he can kill everyone

'Wanna go again' Goku said

'WHAT' Vegeta said

'You made me say that' Goku said 'But do you want to'

'F*ck it Sure' Vegeta said grabbing Goku's hand and walking into the pink house.

I am going to skip all the sexually bits okay.

"knock, knock"

'Hmm i wonder who that would be' Vegeta said getting up and putting on some clothes

'I dont know' Goku said doing the same

The both go down the stairs and Vegeta openeds the door

'CAN I SEE GOKU NOW' ChiChi screamed

'Oh hello ChiChi how are you' Goku said happily

'How dare you sleep with my husband, you are a freak, stay away from him' ChiChi said

'Im really sorry for some reason i just wanted to i could help it, something isnt right, can you please help me' Goku said

'Wait...whats going on here, who ChiChis husband' Vegeta said

'You are you d*ck, and i cant believe you would sleep with Goku, you promised me you wouldnt cheat on me anymore Vegeta, we have sons Vegeta' ChiChi said

'SONS' Vegeta said shocked

'Yes, Gohan, Krillin and Trunks...what has gotten into you, have you forgot about everything' ChiChi said

'Yeah hes been acting weird lately' Goku said

'Um yeah i think i bumped my head or something, could you go everything thats happen, with like the kids' Vegeta said sitting on the ground'

'Well our first kid was Krillin, which was one of the most disapointing one but that was because at the time i was having a affair with Yamcha and he was the father but you wanted to be the father so i never told Yamcha and hes 10 years old, the second oldest is Gohan we had him when everyone went to Namek to fight off Frieza and you didnt want to help so you stayed here with me so thats how he was born and we named him Gohan because that was your Great, Great Grandfathers name and hes 7 years old and the youngest is Trunks, he was a mistake acctualy, hes accutaly broly's kid because you and i got into a huge fight and split up and we were apart for a couple of months and i met broly and we started to go out, and then one night we kind of slept together but it turns out he wasnt wearing any protection and well after i got back together with you i found out i was pregenant and when i told broly he didnt want to have anything to to with me or my baby so you said you would raise him as your own and you did, hes 4 years old' ChiChi said

'Ew, you went out with broly, thats is just wrong on all levels' Vegeta said

'Um guys ive got to home to my wife' Goku said

'Oh whos your wife' Vegeta asked

'Um its Videl....?' Goku said confused

'WHAT, god this is crazy....have you guys got any kids' Vegeta asked

'Yeah just one, Piccolo, it was very weird though, hes green, how does that work?' Goku asked

'Um..Piccolo, but hes from Namek and hes no human, and hes your best friend' Vegeta said totally confused

'Um no were not best friends hes my son Vegeta, well ive got to go cya' Goku said then flew off

'Okay how about we put the past behind us and have a romantic night just us too' ChiChi said

'Um....' Vegeta said

'Please honey, please' ChiChi said hugging Vegeta

'Fine' Vegeta said walking inside

ChiChi smiled and followed in after Vegeta. She made Vegeta sit in the Bathroom until she as ready.

'Ready you can come out now' ChiChi said

Vegeta walked out and couldnt see ChiChi anywhere.

'Where are you' Vegeta asked

'Just follow the petals' ChiChi said in a sexy voice

Vegeta looked down and noticed a line of petals, he followed them until he noticed they lead into the bedroom.

'Theres nothing in there, there is nothing to be affraid of' Vegeta whispered

Vegeta walked in and saw her laying on the bed with a short, short dress.

'Hey Vegeta are you ready' ChiChi said

'Ready for what?' Vegeta gulped

'Dont be silly' ChiChi said getting on the bed and pulling Vegeta onto the bed

'Dont you think you should have wore less clothes now its going to take me loner to take them off' ChiChi said

'Um, ChiChi this is just wrong' Vegeta said discusted

'Babe please, i did all of this for you, i lost 105 kilos for you because i love you' ChiChi said

Vegeta looked at her for a while then finally snapped out of it.

'You know what i dont care what you say we will have sex tonight, because i deserve to be a happy woman, and the kids are with Goku tonight so we should be able to spend some time together, we never do' ChiChi said getting sad and frustrated.

'I thought you meant a movie when you said we would spend time with each other tonight' Vegeta said

'What has gotten into you, you use to be so romantic, so sweet until i had a kid with broly at first you where sweet then you started to get angrier and angrier and then one day you snapped and you havent been the same since' ChiChi replied


'Oh thank god' Vegeta said in relief

Vegeta pushed ChiChi off her and ran to the door.

'Oh Goku what are you doing here' Vegeta asked

'Um well Videl wanted me to invite you to come over for dinner?' Goku asked

'Sure wouldnt want to miss it, ChiChi im going out with Goku' Vegeta said in a rush and grabbed his coat and sped out the door.

'But Vegeta..im pregenant' ChiChi whispered to herself.

DBZ Vegeta and Goku's dreamWhere stories live. Discover now