Upcoming (9)

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Who remembers how old I said Kailin is? I forgot and I'm not sure if I actually said an age.

(Location: Konohagakure; Hokage's Tower; Hokage's Office)

Hiruzen sighs, a trail of smoke following. "I see," he says. "Very well then. Team Seven, you have a week off," he says.

Naruto grins. This means he can go to Uzu. It's been a while.

"Maa, just because we have the week off, doesn't mean we aren't going to be training," Kakashi says.

The blonde glares at Kakashi. "No." Kakashi blinks. Had he heard correctly? "Sorry, Kakashi-sensei, but I am not going to spend this week training," Naruto says.

Kakashi narrows his eye at the boy. "Sorry, Naruto, but you are."

Naruto huffs. "Actually, Kakashi, he has a mission. A top-secret one," Hiruzen says. "He leaves today."

"Eh?" Naruto asks. Hiruzen sends him a discreet wink. "Oh! That mission!"

Hiruzen shakes his head. "Naruto, what am I going to do with you?"

(Location: Unknown)

"Jiraiya-san! Please stop," Izumo says with a blush. "Y-You can't just d-do that."

Jiraiya shrugs. He continues to pull up Izumo's shirt. "Yes, yes. Your build is perfect for the character," he says. The white-haired man glances up at the flushed boy. "How many inches are you?"

"E-Eh? J-Jiraiya-san, that isn't something that I announce," Izumo says, trying to pull his shirt down.

Jiraiya laughs. "Nonsense! We're both men! Share with me!"

"The fact that we're both men is the reason why I don't want to tell you," Izumo says. He blushes brightly. "Don't touch there p-pervert!"

(Location: Uzushiogakure; Shiokage's Tower; Shiokage's Office)

"Gaara, why?" Kailin resists the urge to strangle his son. "Do you not understand how much paperwork this is going to be?"

Gaara snorts and flips to the next page of his book. "I'm reading, Tou-san," the smaller redhead says.

Kailin glares at his son and growls. "You're filling out some of this paperwork," he says.

Gaara snorts again. "Ha, you funny. I'm not doing anything, Tou-san. I'm merely a genin," he says.

"Speaking of which, you and Naruto need to start training for the Chunin Exams. Yes, I understand you two are chunin level, but that doesn't mean you two don't need to practice," Kailin says to his son.

Groaning and putting his book down on the table, Gaara glares darkly at his father. "Fine, when do we start?"

"When do we start what?" Naruto walks into the room and wraps his arm around his brother's shoulders. "What were you guys talking about?" he asks.

Gaara sighs and pulls his younger brother to his side. "The Chunin Exams are coming up and we need to start training," he says.

"Oh, alright. Maybe Tou-san can give us a regimen to do for when we're at our villages," Naruto says.

Kailin smiles at his sons. "Great idea. Also, we have to start exams for the newer ninja that have arrived in the village. We also need more children to begin the Academy," he says.

"I brought some from the orphanage in Kiri, and I'll start visiting other villages to find homeless and orphaned children," Gaara says.

"Since I'm more supervised than Gaara, I'll look around for some children in Konoha," Naruto says. "It may be a bit hard, though, since no one trusts me," he says sadly.

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