chapter 1

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hey guys im brianna and my best friend mya and i are writing our first story. we where wondering if u have and ideas or suggestions it would really help alot thanks and hope u guys like the book  ~Brianna & Mya


Monday morning. get up at 6:30 AM. Shower, wash hair, dry myself , wrap myself in my towel and go to my closet to pick my clothes. Blue tight skinny jeans with a transparent blue shirt and boots. Its 7:45 AM. Eyeliner , light pink lipstick TAADAA. Im done. 7:55 am. Leave, get on the bus go to school. My daily routine nice right ? Well my name is alexa. my life is pretty simple and laid back. At least it was. For the past yearor so ive been living with my aunt Lee, Shes 20 and pretty much lets me do whatever i want. As for my father, if he was here, I'd be locked up in a cage right about  now. He is strict and obnoxious, but of corse i still love him. He is currently away, he's stationed in the marines and it breaks my heart knowing he could be gone at any second really. Sometimes i have to cry myself to sleep. We dont really communicate and when in get letters, they are anout three letters and three months ago was my last letter and all it said was

" Dear Alexa,

 Its nice to hear from you again. Im not able to write thst much anymore. Hopefully i will see you soon Goodbye...

From, Your Father "

Not much, not even an " ilove you" but its whatever. As for my mother, she was the sweetest woman to walk the planet. She never did wrong to anybody, was kind, always gave people what they needed. she dies when i was 7. I remeber  the police knocking on our door to give us the news. Apperently while walking back to the store she was murdered in a cross fire between two men. By the time the ambulence got there, she was dead. They said she had two shots to the head. I think about all the events that happened in my life while i sit in this pointless classes. Its about 11:30 right now. In 20 minutes we'll be off to lunch. I have photographic memory, so in the beginning of the year i just read all of the text books and now i dont have to study for anything.

*ring ring*

wow i guess twenty minutes already passed......



Ahh, that would be my lovely best friend Ellie. She is a little petite girl with the lungs of 80 men haha.

"Hey Ellie, hows it going ?" I  yell from across the hall.

 " Walk with me to the lunch room !"

"whatcha think i was planin sherlock ?!"

"haha funny. Now come on! I've got some GREAT news!" she squealed 

 im pretty sure its probably something really simple that she has to tell me. she loves to over exaggerate things.

shockingly, she was one of those friends i've ever had. i dont like to suffocate myself with friends. some people are just so vain and others are just so quiet or holy. Ellie on the other hand. she was just well.... Ellie. she was the only person who understood me. Whether she was going through the same stuff or not. she is my one and only friend.

"ALEXA?! ALEXA! Come to life!" she chanted

"what what what?!" i replied

" i want to tell you my great news dumb dumb ! okay okay okay, guess what it is ?!" she jumped with joy

"Well your the one who wants to tell me, so why do i have to guess ?" geez she was very confusing. no wonder lads say girls are confusing

"okay! Weeeellll....... " she trailed off..

"OH COME ON JUST TELL ME !" i was startimg to get agravated... how does she expect me to enjoys lunch while shes got me wondering what the hell is so exciting !

"alright,whos excited now huh?!" she giggled

"okay well i got us some tickets .. i know your not in love with 5 lads like i am, but i thought you still might enjoy to go, being that you'll be going with you hot bestfriend!"she exclaimed

"oh no no no...Pleeeeaasse tell me you didnt ! i mean i can listen to them now and then.But A WHOLE CONCERT?!" UGH. She definitely knew that i did not enjoy these boys as much as she does ..


"OH YAY. HOW SWEET IS THIS " I said with the most sarcastic voice i had inside of me .. How excited i am to see these lads that all the girls scream and talk about. Doesnt she understand that i dont fangirl over them like her?!  



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