Chapter 7: Recovery

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base had spent several hours out side of the room drake was in waiting to be able to know what's happening with him. hours turned to a few days one of the nurses told her that she should go home and rest, and that they would contact her if anything should happen. 

agreeing reluctantly she went back to HQ. trying to get her mind off of what could happened she started to work on their creation. she tightened some screws and made sure that it would work how it should. she would have to wait for drake to get back to make sure it worked without any hitches. for the measurements were make specifically for him.

he was the fighter she was the brains. they were two half's of a whole. one couldn't function without the other. she did once try to take down Juro on her own, but she doesn't talk about that.

no matter how hard that she wishes that she could do this on her own she truly can't. sitting and waiting to hear about him just makes the whole ordeal much worse. she just wants to know that he's okay and that he'll make it out of this alive.

she hasn't heard a single word from the hospital even worse. it's been a week sense this has happened and she was ready to head over there herself to see what the hell was going on.

she was putting on her shoes when her phone rang.

"hello who is this?" 

"is this. maria?" base cringes at the name.

"yes this is her." she heard a light sigh from the other side. 

"this is the hospital we've been trying to get a hold of your for most of the morning." base wrinkled her head trying to think why she had never heard her phone go off. "we have some news for you."

"good or bad news?" there was silence for a short second.

"well actually there really isn't any bad news." there was a pause, "it's all good news." Base let out a small sigh.

"okay so what's the news?" there was sounds of shuffling paper before she got a response. 

"alright so the first good thing is that we found out what was the problem." their was more shuffling, "someone had broken into the room and some how gotten a bunch of narcotics into his blood stream causing him to have a comatose like state."

'i could have told them that.'

"the other good news is that he is awake-" base dropped the phone and ran out the door not caring that her shoes were untied. it took her a little over a half hour running at her top speed to get her over to the hospital. she almost ran into the door waiting for it to open so she could get inside. 

"ma'am are you okay?" the front desk lady looked over to base, "can i help you with anything?"

"what's the room. number for. drake." she said between breaths. the lady looked at her and made sure she wasn't going to pass out before turning and looking at the directory of patients to find him. 

"he was just moved from room 1450 to room 2149 in the upper wing of the recovery ward. just take those stairs to your right and it should be on the fourth floor. then take a right and it's at the end of the hallway on your right." base speed walked over to the stairs and took the stairs by two to get up to his room faster. winded by the stairs she took the hallway a little slower to not sound too out of breath. 

'i need to move around more.' reaching his door she knocked quietly. she was met with a small woman opening the door. she looked to be in her mid to late fifties with short brown hair with some small gray hairs scattered in the mix.

"ah so you're base." the lady looked her up and down before letting her into the room, "ever sense he has had partial consensus he hasn't stopped saying your name along with some one else. i believe there name was Russel?" base looked over to drake. 

"yeah Russel is his younger brother." the lady nodded. 

"he is still very weak but he is awake and aware of where he is. i'll give you some time with him." the lady walked out of the room closing the door behind her to give them some privacy. 

as base walked over to drake she could feel the tears welding up in her eyes. even though she didn't want to cry she just couldn't help it. when she got close enough he turned his head and looked at her.

"hi base." his voice was raspy and she could tell it was hard for him to speak. she ran over to his side and gave him a tight hug. he let out a small wine from the motion and she immediately let go of him and laid him back down on the bed gently.

"don't you ever, ever do that again. never again." base wiped way some of the tears that were on her face. looking at drake again he had regain some of the color in his cheeks along with looking less pale when she first saw him.

"i can't promise you anything." base glared at him, "but, i can try." she looked him up and down being sceptical but nodded. 

she stayed by his side till visiting hours were over and had to be ushered out by some of the nurses. she walked slowly back to HQ with just the sound of mutated birds squawking in the distance. she stayed up a little later putting some details into the thing before heading to bed herself.

after a few weeks of rehab, drake was released from the hospital and given strict rules about what he could and couldn't do, even though he probably won't follow those rules at all. base had made sure that at least he followed them the first few days that he got back even though there would be some bickering .

"base i can take my own shirt off! i don't need your help"

"well if your would listen to me then i wouldn't have to fight with you on this! now stop stretching your stitches!" base grabbed the shirt from his hands and pulled it over with her hands. but after those few tretcheres days and strained relationship they were back to what they considered a normal routine. 

drake was resting in his house when he heard base's voice in his ear. "drake! guess what i just did!" drake groaned and rolled over "base do you know what time in the morning it is?"

there was a sigh"i don't care. i finished it!" drake bolted out of his bed "i'll be over as soon as i can!" drake raced down his stairs and threw on his shoes, not giving a shit that they weren't tide, before rushing out the door and almost running into the family of raccoons that made a small house outside of his.

they hissed at him as he ran away "sorry little dudes!" 

he got to HQ around 10 minutes later ramming through the door and met with the sight of base sitting in her chair looking smugly at him. 

"welcome drake. to the future." base pulled at a cord and the curtain was dropped revealing the thing they've worked so many years on.

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