The Arguement

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Ever since Hannah left, Booth has been testy. He was even more annoyed with the fact that Brennan has been going home early and won't go with him into the field anymore.

Life was great (ಥ ͜ʖಥ) (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡

Brennan was in Limbo, or bone storage, trying to identify a soldier from WWI. It helped her think. It was like meditation.

She was examining the skeleton when Booth burst into bone storage.

"Bones, why are you down here? We've got a case up here!" Booth said, his voice conveying annoyance.

She just sighed and placed the bone she was examining back onto the table. And he wonders why she doesn't talk to him anymore. Selfish prick

She came upstairs and noticed it was already three o'clock.

"I have to go, Booth. It turns out I'm late as it is," she said, taking off her gloves and tossing them in the trash. Before he could respond, she was gone.

Booth growled, muttering to himself. Did he do something wrong? If so, what?

There is only one person who knows the answer: Angela.

Booth walked into Angela's office and saw that she was painting. She looked up at him as he walked in.

"What's up?" she asked, looking back at her painting.

"Do you know why Bones as been so distant with me lately?" Booth blurted out.

She looked at him and shrugged, "She's been distant towards everyone since you told her you don't love her."

Booth sat down and sighed, "So she told you?"

Angela nodded, "She tells me everything. Brennan is my best friend, after all. She told me about your confession outside the Hoover building, too."


"If it makes you feel any better, she was probably more broken up that night than you were," Angela sighed and squinted her eyes as she pressed her brush against the canvas, "She loved you, but was too afraid of you pushing her away, so she pushed away before you had the chance. That's not really surprising."

"It's surprising to me," Booth said, leaning back in his chair.

"You're surprised a girl who was abandoned by her family and put into foster care, where she was beaten and raped, is afraid of being abandoned?"

"That's no- raped?" he asked, his skin turning white, "Bones never told me that."

Angela nodded, "Why do you think she still takes martial arts, even though she's really good at defending herself as is? How are you this bad at making connections?"

Booth nodded and stood up, "I'm gonna go talk to Bones. There's gotta be some reason she won't talk to me."

"It's because she loves you and you broke her heart! When she hurt you, you were distant for a while and she respected that," Angel scoffed, "Do you really pay that little attention?" she shrugged and rolled her eyes, "Don't expect her to pay you that much attention."

Booth left the lab with mixed feelings. He did not like hormonal Angela. He was going to kill Hodgins for getting her pregnant.


Booth knocked on the door and Brennan opened it.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Bones, we need to talk."

She let him in and sat on the couch, "About?"

"Why you don't talk to me?"

She shrugged, "I've been busy. My world doesn't revolve around you."

Booth groaned, "Bones, why are you being like this?"

"Being what? What am I, Booth?" Brennan hissed, raising her voice.

"A cold, heartless bitch!" he snapped at her.

His words cut her like a knife and he could see that in her eyes. Her blue eyes turned darker as tears began to form.

"Bones, I-"

"Mommy, I heard yelling," a little girl said softly as she walked into the room. She wore yellow pajamas. The pants were covered in different pictures from Winnie the Pooh and her long sleeved shirt had a picture of Winnie the Pooh hugging Christopher Robin. Her hair was black and went down here back. Her eyes were bright green. She had freckles under her eyes going across her nose.

The little girl noticed Booth's presence and ran into Brennan's arms.

"Bones, who the fuck is this?"

"Don't cuss like that in front of my daughter, Booth," she hissed as she picked the child up and held her in her arms.

"Daughter? Since when?"

"Since always."

"Mommy, who's he?" the girl asked, pointing at Booth.

"Aileen, this is Mommy's friend, Seeley. Booth, this is Aileen."

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