Chapter 1

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Beatriz's P.O.V.

I was in the shelter, reading to underprivileged African children who had been brought to Spain to be saved from the “guerrillas” in their country. They mostly spoke French because they were from Angola and other French provinces in Africa. I had volunteered to read to them in French, since people say I have good pronunciation or something.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and I almost jumped. Through the glass door, I saw the director with a really huge grin on his face and there seemed to be two people behind him. I beckoned him in, getting nervous, and he announced: “Beatriz, there’s someone here that would like to meet you.” A tall guy stepped from behind him and I almost fell from my chair.

The book fell from my hands and landed on one of the kids’ laps. I was shot out of my reverie and tried to grab the book to no avail because the guy was, in fact, Álvaro Morata. I’d been living in Madrid for a while and everyone around me knew I’d been obsessed with him for five years now. And here he was, his girlfriend María in tow, to greet me. “Les enfants, donnez-moi une minute. Je vais retourner plutôt.” I stood up from the chair and followed the outside, closing the door behind me. I covered my mouth and closed my eyes, letting it sink in.

“I don’t believe this. How did you…what…” The director held up his hand to stop me. “Álvaro and his family have been cooperating with the institution for as long as I can remember and we have very close contact so I talked to him about you. The receptionist told me that you have been following his career since he debuted back in 2010. I said that I knew you would very much like to meet him and he kindly agreed.” He said, looking over at him. He lowered his gaze and then looked at me. I was a little embarrassed at the situation because I was a huge fan and he knew everything but still…I would be eternally grateful.

“I will leave you guys to talk.” He said, walking away. “Thank you so much, Don Rodríguez.” I said, my hands together as if in prayer. “No problem. Anything for one of my most devout volunteers.” “So you read to little kids, huh?” María was the first one to speak and I was grateful. “Yeah. These kids are from different provinces in Africa but most of them speak French so I read to them in French, teach them words, etcetera.” “So you’re basically a volunteer teacher, for that matter?” Álvaro spoke for the first time and my heart beat so fast. It didn’t have that much to do with any attraction, even though he was admittedly much more handsome in person, as much as the fact that I followed him so closely and now he was standing right in front of me.

“Basically, yeah. Although I still dream of becoming a sports journalist. That’s what I came here to do.” We talked for a few minutes, mostly about me, until Augustin interrupted by pulling on my skirt. “Mademoiselle Beatriz, est-ce que tu vas retourner à la salle de classe ? Nous sommes besoin de toi pour finir l’histoire. “What did he say? Asked Álvaro. “He asked if I was going to come back to the classroom because they need someone to help them finish reading the story.” “Oh. Well, go on then.” “Would you guys like to sit in until I finish it?” “Sure” they answered almost at the same time. They sat in, listening to me even though I knew they didn’t understand a word I said. We went out to eat afterwards and I was so grateful to Álvaro for having done all of that for an unworthy fan like me.

Álvaro's P.O.V.

We clicked since the first time we talked and I knew from that precise moment that our friendship would last a long time. We'd been hanging out a lot, sometimes with my girlfriend María (they'd also become incredibly great friends) and sometimes without her. We discussed a lot of things, not just football. But obviously, the topic is inevitable. We were both clear on my current situation at my club (which will forever be the club of my dreams) and, whenever María was absent, we discussed it point-blank.

I'd finally come to a decision, getting opinions from professionals, my own friends and, of course, my family. I had what I thought were great news for the both of us; Beatriz and me, that is. I was on my way to pick up María and tell both of them at the same time. María woldn't be happy with my plan but I had decided it was what had to be done... "So I have decided it's best for me to go on-loan to Juventus, where I stand a better chance of minutes."

"What?" Asked María, shocked and squeezing my hand. She had no idea what I'd been considering. Beatriz, on the other hand, was nodding as she looked down at the table; she seemed to approve of my final decision and I was glad. We’d been discussing it for a while and she’d always thought it was the best choice. "I know, baby, I know. I have to do what's best for my career. And you have to stay here and do what's best for your future."

"But, Álvaro, what about us?" "It'll be hard but I believe in us. Besides," I looked over at Beatriz and she seemed to be deep in thought. The silence shook her out of her reverie and her head shot up. "I'll have Beatriz to look over me." "What?" Now she was the one that was shocked. "I pulled some strings and I got you a job at Sky Sports in Italy. You can live with me until you find a place. Plus, Beatriz obviously picks up languages pretty fast."

Our relationship was strictly friendly and I hoped María was clear on that. Beatriz was like a sister to me but as I looked at María, her lowered gaze said that she suspected the worst. "Don't even think that, María. This" she said pointing between me and her rapidly. "Is never going to happen. Even if I do accept that offer." She showed me a weirded out expression as if saying "what the fuck?" She looked over at María, who was still looking down, and I shrugged. "I know. I trust you. Plus you'll find a place, right?" María was obviously not happy with the idea no matter how much we insisted that it wasn't like that.

I saw tears build up in her eyes and she broke down crying. I brought my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to my chest. Beatriz reached over and rubbed her shoulder. "It'll be fine, María. You'll see. Everything will go great over there and he'll be back to shredding it in Real Madrid before you know it." I looked up at her, thanking her with my eyes. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head as she kept rubbing María's shoulder. "I don't want to lose you.", María sobbed.

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