Chapter 2

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Beatriz's P.O.V.

She took his shirt in her fists and cried into his chest. We looked at each other in fear. There were no secrets between us and I knew about his past long-distance relationships. To say the least, they'd never gone well. But I had faith that with María it would be different and so did he, apparently.

I stood up from my chair, thinking it best to let them discuss it. I made a phone gesture with my hand and brought it to my ear. Álvaro nodded and pulled María even closer to his chest, kissing her hair. I grimaced in sadness because I honestly thought they made a great couple but, deep down, as I walked away from them I knew it was as doomed as all the others...

We moved to Torino together, as planned, and things has started off well. I had my own room with it's own bathroom and so did he, the living room and kitchen separating us. I was grateful for that even though I wouldn't admit it. As I pulled things out of my suitcases and put them away, I wondered if he walked around the house in his underwear. Because, no matter how hard I tried, I was undeniably attracted to him.

I clicked my tongue and shook my head, brushing away the thoughts with one I had repeatedly and that silenced all my hopes: "He'll never see you as more than a friend." That's probably one of the worst realizations a person can have and I'd accepted that a long time ago. I was his confidant, "one of the guys". The way I dressed, the way I would never happen. For my own good, it was best that I realize that now.

"Hey, I was thinking maybe we could..." I turned around to see him peeking through my door in only his jeans, his hair wet and tousled. "Rule number one: always knock. I could've been naked." I said, trying to cope with the fact that he was making it so hard to not think about him that way.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry. You'd think I'd be used to it from living with women my whole life." He ruffled his hair as he looked down in shame, chuckling. I rolled my eyes and walked toward him. "At least I have my own bathroom. That way I don't have to tell you to put the seat down." I ruffled his hair as I passed by him, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. I was definitely attracted to him. This would be way harder than I thought.

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