Chapter 2

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Cecil's P.O.V

"So, we'll give a loan of $20, 000 to start your store. Your deadline to pay us nack will be 3 years from now. Here's a contract indicating that you've understand our requirements upon loaning money to you. If you don't pay in full by the end of 3 years, you will be sued." Mr. Smith told one of our clients before handing them the contract.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Cecil. Cecil Aijima. I'm also the man who owns this bank.

Mr. Smith has been my business partner ever since I started this bank.

"Thank you. Gentlemen, glad doing business with you. Have a good one." Mr. Smith told the men in front of us before standing and holding the door for me. I nod my head before exiting.

"Are there any appointments for today?" I asked Mr. Smith while checking my watch.

"You have an interview with Miss Nero Kazemono. She's replacing her friend who's sick at the moment and your appoinment is at 2.30 sir," He told me and I nodded in response. Well, another 2 hours until my next appoinment.

"I wish to return home Mr. Smith," I told him before shutting my eyes for a moment.

"Very well sir. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me." He told me.

"Alright." I told him before we reached my apartment.

"Goodnight sir." He told me before I shut the door behind me.

I walked to the elevator and reached my apartment door. I unlocked the door and went inside. I hung my black jacket on the wooden rack and walked towards the refrigerator and opened the door. I took out a bottle of water and closed the door.

I walked to the bedroom and closed the shades before heading to bed. I set my alarm half an hour before my appointment and fell into a deep sleep.

My alarm rang and interrupted my dream. I woke up and sat for a while on my bed bfore making my way to the bathroom. I washed my face and walked out.

I walked twards the wooden rack and took my jacket. I walked out of my apartment and dialed Mr. smith.

"Mr. Smith, I will down in a few minutes. Start the car." I told him before ending the conversation.

I stepped into the elevator and when I walked out of the elevator, Mr. Smith was waiting for me. He drove me to my bank and Angeline, the front desk receptionist told me that me that my next appointment has arrived and she's taking the third elevator. She directed my attention towards elevator number three and I saw a beautiful white skinned woman wearing a dress. She had a braid and her figure was stunning.

I thanked Angeline and walked towards the elevator. I stood beside her and when I pressed the button, her hand brushed against my hand.

"Sorry" I told her while I removed my hand slowly. I could sense her nervousness. Maybe she's not good at interacting with men, my subconcious told me.

"It's okay. Are you new here?" I asked her. She doesn't look like the type who likes to handle money.

"Um, no. I'm actually covering for a friend. She's sick so here I am. I actually wanted to tell her that I wanted to stay home but she helped me out alot so it's like I'm repaying her kindness back. I have an interview with Mr. Aijima." She told me while shifting a few steps away from me.

Wow. She's really not good at interacting with guys, My sunconcious told me. I gave her a warm smile and turned my attention to her beautiful white dress.

"I like your dress. It's looks beautiful on you," I told her while observing the material and it's lace.

"Oh. Thank you. It was a hand me down from my grandmother. She used to have alot of clothes and when I went to her house, she asked me if I wanted to have them. I told her I wanted it so, here I am wearing her dress." She told me as she gestured her hand on her dress.

"Are you by any chance, Nero Kazemono?" I asked her while searching for her eyes in her cute squarish and oval type face.

"Yeah. How did you know?" She asked me as I slowly turned my gaze towards her majestic sky blue eyes.

"I always know my clients. I sometimes do background checks on them to make sure they're not doing anything to jeprodize their lives or my company. I guess you're thinking, 'why does do that?'. I might be weird  because I've been betrayed too many times. Anyways, we're not here to discuss about this. Ah. The elevator's here. After you, princess." I told her as I gestured my hand towards the elevator.

"Thank you, Mr. Aijima" She told me. She's so formal, my subconcious told me. I sneaked in a little smile as I walked into the elevator.

"Please, call me Cecil. Mr. Aijima is my father." I told her as I pressed the top floor button.

"May I call you Nero?" I asked her as I turned my attention from the elevator door to her cute little face. She nodded slowly and she slowly turned beat red.

The elevator stopped at the top floor and once again I gestured my hand towards the office. Nero walked out of the elevator and Slyvia, the receptionist on the top floor, greeted her.

"Good morning Mr.Aijima. Ah, I see you've already met Ms. Nero. Your daily coffee is ready in your office.. Have a nice day," She told Mr.Aijima before resuming her work.

"Come Nero. I believe you're here to interview me right?" I asked her before opening my office door.

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