The Truth of Lies...

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The world of lies written by Mickey (


"The world of lies. A universe of magic. An adventure found mearly in your dreams. Dragons and wizards, knights and kings. Castles and oblivion. The fantasy of steampunk ideas fake reality found true for there is no such thing as truth. Yet, with that, there cannot be lies. A utopia dissproved. Dreams cannot control reality, for they will destroy humanity. Rivers of ranbow liqiud. Bubble gum driven power. The world is beautiful. Mountains of green. Felids with the most mejestic animals. And the future and past live as one. A world that makes you question if your god was drunk and high when creating this enviroment! it's fucking amazing! Unbealvable sites. Thats where I was born. Born insane.

Ever set your sites on something you want, but can't have? Typical.. There you can just image it. Imagine the item and there it is. Do you own it? No... and yes. Take it like this. Why do people commit theift? Because they want someting they don't have, they wan't adventure, then there is us. The ones who arent so "crazy." Problem is, we're stealing the creativity from another world. There is the truth. We are theifs. Stealing the world we live from those with the mind to controll. Every word, every sound, quite litterally everything on this damn planet... Was stollen, without knowlage of knowing that... This story, is only in exsistance, becasue I borrowed it from the so called "God." So now what? Still want to see it?" I spoke this speech of sorts at a presentaion in school. I told them that I came from the world that created them. They don't believe me, of course. typical bullshit single minded oponionated human behavior. Can't do shit about it.

If you cannot believe me, then how can you believe there is such a being caple of creating all that we see? Are we not of the same concept? Only difference is that I'm fucking prof? I didn't say my people didn't have god, no we did. I just thought much differnetly. I'm what my planet calls an inventor. I create reality.

See everything around you was designed by one of us. Some things could have been created by me. I've yet to do so, ive never dug into my mind as such, for I told you the truth. An idea is stolen. Making more powerful minds useless and dull.. I'm Milo Autor. I'm not criminal. "Just a kid!" some kid I turned out to be. I'm walking the streets as a casual nobody, interacting with the world we reside just like everyone else does. So why am I the different one? Maybe there could be someone out there who knows what it's like to be, completely insane.

A dream for me isn't like anything you've ever fucking seen kids, let me tell you that. The shit you dream up is child's play if you think you're any special at all. Pathetic bunch you humans are. Ha! Wanna take a peak inside my brain? You can see the stars. The moon. Scrub your face up against it, and pull back with out burns. No marks. However, that's not really a dream. That's how I live my life. Like a god. I can open my hands and make a fire burn, or a ball of ice float. This is all done with my brain. Nothing special about it.

This world, "Earth" really isnt as old as you think it is. One of the great creators created this plannet. No more than 10 years ago. All your emotions and memories are part of another world that has failed. This was the creators way of trying to save the human race from wipping itself out. I was sent here to keep charge, and to learn why humans must fight forever more in this forsaken realm of stupidity. It's almost like war for the humans, is sport. It happens everywhere. Hell, they've got sports based on the idea of gun fights. This planet is ridiculous!

I seriously wish someone here, wasn't crazy.

World of Truth written by Haley

The world of Truth. Such a wonderful place. Here, there are no lies.

Sometimes a bitter place, because we tell the flat out truth.

We contain so much creativity, because we don't lie and say we aren't good at which we are not. No talent goes unnoticed, no voice goes unheard.

Sometimes, so much truth is a bad thing. So we've been borrowing some 'Creative words' from the neighboring planet. The planet of Lies.

People have cried, and mourned over so many truths. But, we lack the power to lie. So since our neighbors borrow some creativity from us, we think it only fair to borrow from them.

This is planet I've grown up on, crazy and beautiful in it's own way. Crazy because, to me, truth is literally all we are. Unless we do, 'borrow' from our neighbors. It's beautiful because, it's pure bliss. No one fights, unless the truth has gone too far.

In my world, everyone is so amazingly creative, it's awesome! However, I'm different than anyone I've met in my world. I'm what they call a dreamer.

A dreamer like me, Jessie Cole, can bring dreams to life. Not things like flying horses or dogs that talk, I mean real things. I bring the dreams of say, nice days, rainbows, and good things like that. The dreams of which humans often dream.

My dreams, are beyond what a human mind can comprehend. On my home planet of Truth, I could create whatever I dreamt. On this planet called Earth, I must control that. I must fit it.

No, I am not a god. But I am definitely not human. I'm more powerful, in ways you couldn't imagine. I have a god, and turns out humans also worship him in many different ways. Little do they know of what he is truly capable of.

But one of the great creators sent me here, to this godforsaken planet he created called Earth. In hopes that maybe I could help to discover why they fight over this realm. Also, to help where I could.

So I walk the streets among mortals, Just like any other teenage girl. On earth, I'm so young. When really my lifetime surpasses any mortals.

A few times in class, I've slipped that I was a dreamer and this dumb planet was a waste of time. Though, people just laughed at me. Not taking me seriously at all.

I am what you would call, an outcast. I don't talk to people except when spoken too. I keep my head down, and try to stay out of sight.

I feel like this planet is making me crazy! I feel like I'm slowly going insane, and that's not the worst part.

The worse part, is that there is no one like me. I am alone, with no friends. No one to tell me that I'm not crazy, unlike these humans.

I feel alone. Maybe one day, the creator that put me here will bring me back. Or at least send someone so I don't rot in my own misery.

Sometimes I just remember, that I'm not the crazy one. These humans, this realm, it's all crazy. Back on my home planet, I'm completely normal. Just more creative than others. Though still normal.

On my planet I had friends and family and a life. On this fucking planet, I am nothing.

I wish I could find just one person on this damn planet that wasn't so crazy.

I wish I could find someone, who was like me.

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