ruby spends one night with the dead part two

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Ruby's pov

I woke up in a weird room I was looking around the room when I heard a robot voice tell me to hit the lights on balloras room so I did and I some guy hanging. I freaked out and heard some gargled laughing in the other room.

The robot voice came after some time and said:

Bot:"GrEAt jOB NoW LooK IN fUN-TIme FoXY."

I hit the light and saw some thing big run quickly out of the light. I looked trying to see something running at the glass, most likely trying to Jumpscare her. But it ran off.

Bot:"'heh' ShE's JUst lOOkIng. Oh LooK, you can see your Blondie FriENed there. Shock HeR, NoW!"

Ruby didn't.

Bot:" THat's iT! I'm coming DOwn thERe now. If I Don'T hear screams, well you won't like the outcome.

As I was looking for a hiding spot I heard a voice. A male voice say:

?:"hey little girl, you can't see me. But you need to go in the vent by you. Go in and under the desk there is a space. Go hide in there until it is safe.

Ruby ran and hid and she heard screams of pain than the desk broke as a body of a cop broke the desk. But she was not seen.

Ruby was sneaking around until a pink bonnie jumped at her and ruby ran up some stairs before a blue bonnie and I fell down the stairs, cutting my arm.  Before I Blake out (kill me now) I hear a voice say: damn in not again!" And another, more soothing voice:"shut up you two." I turn to see a metal wired thing pick me up and said in the same male voice that told you to hide:"trust me."

Ruby blackout

And over 300 words. Welp Ta for now.

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