College Crush Drabbles

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Georgie had been at college for three months and the only class she was really enjoying was English. She had always been a keen writer with a flare for creativity. Of course the class was made far more interesting by her stupidly hot teacher, Professor Negan. He was tall and ruggedly handsome with a voice so deep and sexy that it sent shivers down her spine every time he talked.

It didn't take long before she had developed a little crush on her Professor, but with every passing class she found herself more and more mesmerized by him. Her crush began to border on obsession. She thought about him all the time, and when he said her name it made her weak at the knees.

He was always so nice to her, he appreciated her writing style and often told her how much he enjoyed reading her work. She wondered if he said that to everyone. When he would catch her before she left class to give her extra feedback on her work she was more than happy to stay and listen.

Today's class was just like any other day, or so she thought. Near the end of the lesson, Professor Negan perched against his desk as he addressed the class, his glasses framing his rediculously handsome face.

"Now as you all know, being a literary Professor, I enjoy some good creative writing. And after yesterday's lesson I happened to stumble across a rather intriguing piece of writing that someone left behind. I think I know who this belongs to judging by the handwriting, but I'd like the owner to come forward and claim it" he smiled smugly as his eyes flickered briefly in Georgie's direction while holding up a very familiar looking piece of paper.

'Oh fuck' she thought to herself as she cringed internally. 'If that's what I think it is please tell me he didn't read all of it. How in the hell did I not notice it had dropped out of my book. I'm totally screwed' she sighed as she hid her face behind her hand.

"Okay well, if the writer isn't going to come forward and claim this... creative little number, then I guess I'll just have to read it out to jog the writers memory" he grinned as he cleared his throat and straightened the piece of paper dramatically.

"It's mine!" Georgie confessed and professor Negan looked up at her with a smug grin.

"That's what I thought. Class dismissed. Catch you sorry assholes tomorrow" he laughed. Professor Negan had always been the 'cool' teacher. He insisted they all use his first name when addressing him, although he still couldn't get used to the Professor part, it felt too formal and made him feel old. He was never afraid to drop a curse word, he treated them like adults instead of kids and he connected with them, it was all part of what made him so charming. "Georgie... you stay" he instructed before she even had a chance to think about bolting.

As the room cleared out Professor Negan sauntered confidently over to the desk that Georgie was sitting at. Unable to look at him she kept her head down, fiddling with her pen in her hands.

"Do you wanna explain this?" he asked holding the paper in front of her.

"Not really..." she replied quietly, making a grab for it only for him to swipe it away.

"Alright then... maybe I should take this to the Dean and you can explain it to him"

"Don't... please" Georgie begged.

"Start talking Georgie" he pressed.

"It's nothing. It's just nonsense, something to fill the time" she lied.

"Really? Coz it doesn't seem like nonsense. I've read enough of your work to know when it's 'something'" he told her, and still Georgie said nothing. She was annoyed that she had been stupid enough to lose her personal writing, and mortified that he had read it.

Professor Negan sighed and got up from the desk, wandering back up to the front of the class and perched himself on his own desk once again. "He sauntered in to the room with his usual confident swagger" Professor Negan began in his deep and sexy tone as he read from the paper. "His perfect white toothed smile gleaming beneath his salt and pepper beard as he grinned charmingly. He addressed the class before beginning the lesson with a piece of poetry. The words rolled effortlessly from his perfect lips and I cannot help but let my mind wander. I imagine how they would feel pressed against my own. Longing to feel their warmth on my soft and sensitive skin, how his beard would feel scratching deliciously at my bare flesh" he continued on.

Georgie wanted to tell him to stop but to hear her words falling from his lips excited her and in that moment all she wanted was for him to keep going. The way the words sounded in his sinfully sexy tone had her craving more. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help herself.

"What I wouldn't give to see those gorgeous hazel eyes roaming over every inch of my body as I surrender to his touch-" Professor Negan continued before Georgie finally cut him off.

"Stop! Please... no more" she begged as she leapt up from her chair and approached him.

"Oh... but it gets better" he teased.

"You read it all?"

"Every word... more than once" he grinned smugly.

"Fuck me" Georgie muttered under her breath as she rubbed her face with her hand.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" He teased some more.

"You're getting a kick out of torturing me aren't you"

"Fuck yes" he chuckled. "Who would have thought, a shy little thing like you would write something so... graphic. And about your Professor no less?"

"Are you going to tell the Dean?"

"No. I won't do that to you".

"Thank you. Can I have my writing back now... please?" Georgie asked.

"Nope. I'm holding on to this for now" he grinned.

"Fuck... c'mon... Haven't I suffered enough?"

"Language" he scolded jokingly.

"Like you haven't read worse on those pages" Georgie countered.

"Touché" Professor Negan laughed. "You best get to your next class. But I expect you back here at the end of the day for... punishment" he smiled as Georgie's face went a deep shade of red. "I mean detention" he chuckled.

"You're enjoying this way too much" Georgie groaned as she retrieved her backpack and headed for the door.

"Not as much as you wish I would" he teased some more.

'Fuck. I am totally screwed. And not in a good way' she thought to herself. 'Now he knows exactly what I think of him. And all the filthy things my dirty mind has been imagining. I am in so much trouble'. Georgie was dreading going back at the end of the day. She was never going to live this down, and she certainly wouldn't be able to look him in the eye ever again.

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