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Sorry my dearies...
Sorry for late update...i was busy for two days...so couldn't make an update for u...
I know u really missed the update...
And its before u...

One morning...
Gauri woke up and smiled at realising she slept on chest of om...
She looked lovingly at om...
She gave a kiss on the cheek of om...and tried to get up...

Om : here as well...

Gauri was shocked..she didn't knew he was awake...
She blushed ...

G : u r awake...

Om : haa...u don't want me to awake...

G : no..not like that..

Om : if i am awake i may not get this beautiful kiss in the morning...

He said in his husky voice...
Gauri blushed by this...

G : om...

Om : mm...why r u blushing like this...

G : i am going...

She want to hide her shyness..
Gauri stood up to go...she unlocked the door...
Bt he pulled her by her wrist..
She landed on bed...

G : om ..wat r u doing... Leave me...

Om : no...jst complete wat u had started...

G : what i had started...i didn't...

Om : u didn't...? ok let me explain u...

G : what u have to explain...

Om : what u had started...

G : om.. leave me na...

Om : no...then u complete it...

G : om...

She pleaded...
Om shake his head in negative...
Finally gauri have to do this...she was blushing with his teasing talks...
She looked at him and he signed to go on..
She leaned more to him to get his cheek...
As she want to kiss on his left cheek she want to cross his body as she was on his right side...
Her long hair fall on his face...he inhaled her smell...he was lost in it..
She kissed his cheek...
She removed her hair from his face...bt he dont want that...
She came back to her position...
He looked at her lovingly...
He turned her to bed...
And she was jst looking at him...
He kissed her nose with love...
She blushed more ...
He moved to her lips...
Suddenly rudy entered to the room and he was shocked...
He closed his eyes...

R : oh my god...what i have to see in the morning itself ...my eyes..

Rikara came out from their dream land became embarrassed..they stood up from the bed...

Om : u...when u came...

R : O...i am still a kid ..and i cant see all these plz...

Om : shutup rudy...

Rikara was hell embarrassed..and gauri ran to bathroom in shy...

R : me..u did everything and i am the sinner..

Om : who told u to open the door without knock...?

R : who told u to open the door and do these...u should have close the door..i came here as door was opened..

Om : and u spoiled my moment..

He muttered under his breath and it heard by rudy...

R : oh my god...i am saying abt ur crazyness and u r telling abt i spoiled ur moments...

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