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i squinted my eyes and tried to block the luminous sunlight by pulling up my covers.but no they had to be rudely snatched away by non other than my dearest mom.
"Sarah! get up this instant before i pour a glass of icey water on you." my mom yelled as i tried to pull back the covers on my face.yup I was a morning person. Hehehe not the sarcasm. "ya Allah! you would be late for your first day of school” mom exclaimed.
And yup that reminder alone was enough for me to jolt out of my bed. “finally!” mom huffed ” Now go get dressed, breakfast is ready”mom said as she exited my room.
Ya Allah! Please help me. Today is my first day in my new school. East high!! Its not like I hate school or any thing , it’s just that we recently moved to this small town of ‘Rosemary Gold’ from Canada. As my dad found a well paid job here.  So I have to go to a completely new school and be the #new girl. Be the center of attention. And let’s just say me being  my shy self doesn’t really help. And who knows how much hostility I’ll have to face due to being a muslin niqabi. Ugh!!!! Before I would die out of anxiety I reminded my self with the ayah of  Quran “but verily with every hardship there is ease”
Before I could think of anything else  my mother dearest yelled from downstairs “Sarah are you ready or not”. Yup you thought right there is a lot of yelling in this house of ours.  in the mornings it’s chaotic will be an understatement. I sprinted to the bathroom to freshen up and get dressed for school.  And for my dress for today and for every other day, I just slipped my plain black abaya over my pjs . I then pinned my plain black scarf over my head and tucked my niqab and phone in my abaya’s pockets. I then grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs before my dearest mommy would loose her voice from all the yelling.
As I reached downstairs I said salaam to both my parent and kissed their cheeks. At the sight of me my dad beamed in happiness , folded his morning news paper and kissed my forehead.” Ah! How’s my princess doing”
“ Alhamdulillah great baba…..ummmm…..just a bit nervous for today” I spoke as I nervously fidgeted with my hands thinking about today.”have faith in Allah my princess. He’s always there to look out for you” baba said. Baba’s word bought a smile on my face as I remembered my lord and relaxed a bit.
“come eat your breakfast before it gets cold” mom called out of the kitchen. Me and dad moaned as we smelled aroma of yumilicious pancakes . then we both dug into our pancakes like no tomorrow. What a girl’s got to eat and my mom is like the best cook in the entire universe. “mom gish ish shoooo tasty” I praised with my mouth stuffed. And my dad kissed my mom’s hand making her blush. They both looked at each other with love in their eyes.
I checked the time and I had 15 min to get to school before my first class starts.i tied my niqaab and said my salaam to my parents and left the house keeping my trust in allah. My school was just 5 mins away by walk and 1 min by car.i walked past our neighbourhood receiving curious glances from people on the way to school. I chuckled to myself when a kid pointed towards me and exclaimed to his mom” mommy look a ninja” his mom just awkwardly smiled towards me and walked away mumbling a quick sorry.
As I stood in front of the huge building called ‘east high high school’ I felt the anxiety in myself building up. Gosh calm down sarah! Calm down! What’s wrong with you. You didn’t even step inside this building and you’re already a nervous wreck. Oh my Allah I leave it on you to help me go through all problems in life. You are my creator and my protector. Remember sarah allah loves you more than 70 mothers, so he is always there to look out for you.with this reminder I briskly strolled towards the entrance. I kept my head low to ignore the teenagers burning holes in my head. Whispers started to erupt from around me ‘who is she?’ ‘what is she wearing?’ why is she dressed like a damn ninja?’ ‘ is it halloween?’. Ugh . have faith in your lord. you are doing this to please him. Your only motive is to earn the pleasure of your lord and get close to him. I then walked through the halls ignoring all the stares and comments of the curious teenagers surrounding me and entered towards the main office. The lady in the office looked in her mid forties. She seemed very professional. As soon as she saw me she frowned. “so you are the new muslim girl” she said in a bittersweet voice. *cough*cough* racist alert. Ok I take back my statement . she’s sooo not professional. She raked her eyes on me and made a disgusted face. I so badly wanted to wanted to shove a spider down her mouth to remove that disgusted look from her face. But insead I just nodded and stared at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing ever. She than popped the bubble in her mouth and skimmed through the files on the desk. She handed me my schedule and said in a bored tone “just go to the principal’s office on the right” and again gave me a disgusted look. I swear I wanted to slap that look of her face so bad. I mean who even hired such a racist. Instead I just nodded and headed for the principal’s office. As I entered the office a women in her 50’s supposedly our principal smiled politely at the sight of me and motioned me to tale a seat.” Well hello darling I’m your principal Mrs. Brown. Welcome to East High!” she welcomed. ”umm..hi..i’m Sarah” I meekely replied. God why do I have to be so shy. Stupid! Stupid Sarah! “ dear your parents have already spoken to me about your niqaab and yeah you are allowed to wear it , if it’s religiously important to you” she spoke understandingly. Now don’t ask me how my parents convinced her. It took them 2 hrs of arguing. And that too when they are not too strict with the dress codes.. I simply nodded my head and mumbled a quick thanks. “ ok dear now have a great time and work hard” she said. I nodded obediently and hoped for the same too.

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