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"Normani!" Camila yelled. "How could you do this to me?" Lauren grabbed Normani's arm and pulled her away from the girl. "I needed some fucking love and attention, and my own girlfriend wasn't giving me any. I deserve some fucking attention Lauren. If you don't feel the same way about me just tell me." Lauren scoffed. "Well I certainly don't now." "Why?" "I-Are you kidding? You just cheated on me! You kissed another girl." "Oh-uh, it's Maya." "Shut up!" Lauren screamed. Dinah went to her girlfriend and nudged her. "Dude what's going on?" "Mani just kissed someone that wasn't Lauren." "Fuck." "Turn off the music." She whisper yelled. Ally cut off the music and stood by her friends. "Oh this is not good." "She's a good kisser, I don't know why you don't kiss her more." Maya said simply. "You know honey, that's a good question." Normani said with gritted teeth. Lauren slammed the girl against the wall and glared at her with angry eyes. "I hate you so much right now." "I can't say I'm your biggest fan either." Normani growled. Lauren took a deep breath and pushed herself away from the wall. "Get out." "Its a party." She crosses her arms. "Well take it with you. Take everyone with you. Go. Kiss anyone you want. We're over." "Fine." "Fine!" The three girls watching looked at each other warily. "I said get out! All of you! Go!" Lauren screamed. "I-Dinah." Camila said and Dinah snapped into action and opened the door. "Okay you heard the girl, everyone out. Party's over." Everyone grumbled complaints as they filed out, Normani following the crowd, leaving the four girls alone in the room. "Lauren.." Dinah started. "I'm so sorry." Ally said sadly. "Whatever. It's fine." Lauren said as she started to pick up cups from the floor. "Oh no Lauren we got it." Camila said. "It's fine." Lauren said in a soft voice. "Mila, let her help clean up. She needs a distraction." Dinah put a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder. "Right." "I'll go clean the kitchen." Ally excused herself. "Lo I'm sorry about the party..if I didn't do this-" "It's okay Dinah, you didn't make Normani kiss someone else." Lauren said bluntly. "Well no but-" Dinah started. Camila coughed and Lauren looked up at her. "What?" "Nothing, tickle in my throat." Dinah looked at her quizzically. "If you're off the hook, don't get back on it. Lauren is right. Mani kissed someone else, you didn't force her." She hissed lowly. "I just feel bad for her. I thought Normani knew better." "I know babe, me too." Camila sighed. "You guys done playing chinese whispers or can you get a trash bag?" Lauren raised her eyebrows. "Trash bag coming up." Dinah said, escaping to the kitchen to find one. "Lauren..I'm sorry she did-" "I don't want to talk about it Camz. Okay? Not now. Let's just clean the place up." Camila sighed. "Okay." Ally and Dinah emerged from the kitchen with a trash bag. "The kitchen is clean, I wiped everything down for you too." "Thank you Ally." Lauren smiled appreciatively at the girl. "I'm almost done here. Dinah and I can get the last of it. You two can go on home if you want. You've sobered up now." "I do need to get back, only if you're sure though Lauren." Ally said. "Of course. I'm sure. Go." "Love you boo. Text me if you need me." "Okay." Lauren said as she watched Ally leave. "Do you mind if I stay? If I go home and see Normani I'll most likely slap her for what she did to you." Camila said unashamedly. Dinah scoffed. "Get in line." "Guys, it's okay. Of course you can stay Camz." When the place was tidy, Dinah went out to get them all some chinese food and Camila sat on the bed with Lauren. They were in pure silence before Lauren spoke. "Was I really not paying attention to her?" Camila looked up from her phone. "You were Lauren, you were just occupied with your exam too. She knew that. You're not to blame here." "Do you think she regrets it?" Lauren asked, twiddling her fingers and staring at her lap, tears in her eyes. "She sure should be regretting it. If not then she's a moron." "Why am I not good enough Camila?" Lauren's voice cracked. Camila put her phone down and pulled the girl into a hug as she broke down in her arms. "You are good enough Lolo, you're more than good enough." "When is Dinah coming back with the food already? I'm drunk, stoned, emotional and I need my food." Camila laughed. "Soon."

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