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Jughead thought that nothing would be worse than being Veronica's slave. Wrong. It was Riverdale, and anything could happen. However, Jughead was not expecting a third Black Hood to show up at Riverdale High and start shooting at everyone.

"What was that?" Veronica flinched as her sensitive ears heard a distinct bang.

"What was what?" A unfocused Jughead snapped out of his thoughts to look at her.

Bang. Bang.

"Why do I hear gunshots?" Veronica remained calm, but Jughead could tell her anxiety from the way she was gripping her pen.

Jughead cursed as he pulled her to safety under the desk.

"Stay here, I'll be back," Jughead got up to leave the classroom. He was not sitting ducks while there were gunshots and screams outside.

"No you're not!" Veronica Lodge fumbled for his hand and held to his wrist tightly. "You're my eyes, you're not leaving me."

"Veronica, let go! This is not time to act like a spoiled brat!"

"I'm not letting my eyes die," she insisted haughtily.

Jughead faltered for a moment. Was Veronica Lodge actually showing concern? To him, her enemy?

"I'll be fine, I'll just be a minute," Jughead gently pried her hands off his wrist.

Before Veronica had the opportunity to protest,  a hooded man burst into the room. His gun was aimed right at Veronica, but not that she could see it.

"You two come with me or the girl gets shot," the burly man demanded, not lowering his gun for a second.

Jughead's mind was racing. What can he do? If they don't go with the man, they get shot; but if they do go with him, who knows what would happen?

On pure instinct, Jughead threw a desk at the armed man quick as lightning, distracting him and hoping to unarm him.

Clank! The gun flew across the room and skidded on the floor next to Veronica's heels. She blindly reached out before finally locating the gun, switching to safety and slipping it into her dress discreetly.

Meanwhile, Jughead was fighting the man ferociously. With one hard blow from the table, the man had blood trickling from one side of his head. He was just mentally patting himself on the back for the well placed hit, when he felt something protruding from his abdomen.

Jughead had a good weapon, but the man came prepared. His sharp knife was lodged in his abdomen and stained by Jughead's blood.

Hesitating only for a moment, Jughead slammed the table onto the man once more, and that was all he remembered before the world went black.


"Jughead. Jughead. Jug!"

Jughead frowned at the voice. He just wanted to keep sleeping. He was so tired, so tired...

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones the Third!"

His eyes snapped open.

Everything was so dark. It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the dark surroundings before making out Veronica Lodge's face above him.

"Ver-onica?" He asked drowsily. Jughead felt awful, like a rubbish collection truck had hit him and dumped him in an incinerator.

"Jug, you're alive," she sighed in relief.

"What happ-ened? Where...we?" Jughead's killer headache prevented him from talking properly.

"I don't know, they put something over our faces and then I blacked out. I woke up here. It's a good thing that my good eye was also covered so that I can see perfectly in the dark," Veronica explained.

Jughead's head throbbed as he observed his surroundings. They were in a small, confined space, where it was dark without windows. He looked up and saw Veronica had taken her mask off and her good eye was staring at him in concern, while her injured eye was hidden behind plaster.

"Where's your phone? I couldn't seem to find it on you,"  she anxiously queried. "We need to get you to the hospital as soon as possible."

"You searched me?" He lay there in horror, patting his pockets.

"Not the point! Jughead, you could die!" she hissed. "I don't know how much longer the makeshift bandage can last!"

The confused boy tried to sit up slowly, but made a cry of pain when his abdomen felt like it was on fire.

"Crap, Jug, don't move," Veronica's hands were shaking as she helped Jughead lie back down. "Just give me your phone, please."

"It's in my bag," he muttered.

Veronica cursed. She was trembling as she stared at the walls, rocking herself back and forth.


"I'll get us out of here alive, I promise," She murmured with a sudden burst of determination, despite her shaking tell-tale hands.

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