Jacks POV

Jack: Morning Darky!
Dark: Its still night here!
Jack: Sorry
Dark: It's okay
Jack: When can I see you irl?
Dark: Whenever you want
Jack: How about in two weeks? It is are fifth year anniversary
Dark: Sure! I would love to see you then!
Jack: KK, I'll let you sleep, love you!
Dark: Love you too

    I can't believe it! I get to see Dark! In real life! This is amazing!
    "Why are you so excited?" Singe, my girlfriend, asked.
    "It's nothing," I said, smiling.
    "Can I see your phone then?"
    Now, I don't really like Singe. I just am dating her because she was desperate. She used to be sweet but then I told her I like guys and she thought of it as I was bi, but I don't like girls. I only like them as friends, but she didn't understand that.
    My phone went off and I almost fell off my chair. I looked at it to see a sexy pic of Dark, he was calling.
    "I'll be right back," I told Singe, and went into a different room. "Hello?"
    "Hey," his sexy deep voice said.
    "Did I wake you up?"
    I smiled, "So, how can I help you?"
    "I'm bored."
    "I can't help you babe."
    "Can't you just come over right now?"
    "I would but there aren't any planes to Cali right now."
    "Can't you come over today?"
    "I'll see."
    "Yay! I have a gift for you when you get here~"
    I blushed deep red.
    "So come as quick as you can!" he said.
    "I-I gotta g-go."
    "Love you."
    "Love you too."
    "Bye," and he hung up.
    I took a deep breath and slid down the wall. I can meet him whenever?!  My heart was beating 100 miles per hour. I have to go now! I thought. But what about Singe? I thought about is for like 10 minutes and I made up my decision, I'm going at the next flight.
    "Hey, Singe?" I said.
    "Yeah?" she replied.
    "I'm gonna go to LA."
    She walked into the room. "I coming too."
    I sighed, "No, no, you're staying here."
    "No I'm not!"
    She smiled and left. Great, now she's coming. I took out my phone and texted Dark
Jack: I'm coming on the next flight
Dark: I'll pick you up at the airport
Jack: OK!
Dark: See ya soon. Text me when you land
Jack: K
Dark: Love you
Jack: Love you too
    I walk into my room and start to pack. What's cute? I find an oversize sweatshirt and short shorts. I then just pack random shirts and pants. I find a green sweatshirt and jeans and put them on. Along with a black and red baseball cap.
    "Are you done?" Singe asked walking into the room.
    "Yes," I said, slipping my computer inside the bag.
    "Let's gooooooooo!"
    I grab my bag and phone and we drive to the airport.
    When we get there I get two tickets and we board the airplane shortly after. The whole ride was about 3ish hours. When we landed I texted Dark and he said he'd be there in a few minutes.
    "Why did you want to come here so badly?" Singe asked.
    "A friend lives here and I haven't seen them in a while," I lied.
    She shrugged and continued to stare at her phone.
    After awhile Dark called and said he was up front. I told Singe and we got up to go there. I saw him sitting on a bench outside, and I must say, he's a lot hotter in real life. I bit my lip and walked up to him, luckily Singe was in the bathroom.
    "You look cuter in real live," he said.
    "You look hotter," I smirked. "Hey, I gotta tel you something."
    "Well a friend of mine, who is homophobic, is with us, and, she doesn't know about us." I sighed.
    "Where is she?"
    "In the bathroom."
    "Well if we have a little time," he said getting up.
    I was confused until he kissed me. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I quickly pulled away with a red face.
    "When she's not around, we'll have 'fun~'" he said.
    I blushed and Singe can out.
    "Took you long enough," I muttered.
    She rolled her eyes and then looked at Dark.
    "So you're Jack's friend," she asked.
    "Yes, I'm Dark," he said.
    "And I'm Singe, Jacks girlfriend."
    I saw Dark's expression change from happy, to confused, to angry. He glared at me, and I looked away.
    On the way to Dark's I sat in the front by Dark and Singe sat in the back. They whole way there was silent, I felt Dark glance at me every now and then, but I couldn't stop thinking about how mad he is at me.
    In about 15 minutes we got there. Singe and I shared a room. When I got there I flopped on the bed and began to cry. I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Dark so I didn't even care to get up. I heard him open up the door and walk in, slowly shutting the door behind him.
    "Babe?" he said.
    "Why do you even care about me?" I said.
    "Because, Jack, you're sweet, funny, cute, adorable, I mean, what's not to like?"
    "The fact that I was cheating on you."
    "I know you don't like her."
    "Babe, I can't just go up and tell her I'm breaking up with her. It would break her heart!"
    "Just go tell her you weren't interested in her, and only like her as a friend."
    "I can't, just give me sometime."
    "However long you want," he said, he kissed me before leaving.
    Singe never gave me this much love ad affection, but it'll break her heart if I tell her I never liked her and just dated he because she asked and I wanted to break up with her after the first week! This is so confusing!!!!

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