1. The interview

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The room was dark, with only gleam of moon, coming through the window, into your room. You were sitting on the big bed, looking through the internet, with headphones on. Even though you lived alone, you preferred to have a headset plugged.

You smiled to yourself, when a characteristic voice of pro-hero Present Mic appeared in your ears. You weren't the type, to observe and get interested in their lives and actions, but this one particular hero gave you a weird feeling of calmness and happiness.

You didn't sleep much, so was always tune up to the show, which he hosted every Friday night. You weren't really interested in many things, but Radio seemed like one. Being a broadcast student, sound was something that was a part of your life. And it was only, obvious, that a sound type of hero, would bring your interest.

You sighed and took a sip of coffee, when one of the songs were turned on, making a smile appear on your lips. A little rocky style, with a beat similar to the 80-s type of music. This is what you liked. This was mostly the reason, why you stayed with this station so long. Present Mic really had an amazing taste in music.

Not mentioning his upright personality, which made you light a little bit inside. He was someone you weren't. Bright, happy and incredible interesting. He was a pro-hero knew by many, with a quirk, which would bring happiness to people, through the radio, but also defeat the villain, and make them remember him for a long time. Yes, his quirk was definitely SOMETHING. Not like yours. The only people that knew about it, were your professors at Uni, who you were obligated to tell. No-one else. Well, exeptof Mia, there was no -one who actually cared. And even she didn't know.

You were always a loner, who stayed hidden from people. You didn't have a family, nor many friends. Even people at work didn't feel like becoming your mates.

You frowned when a you heard a beep, informing you about upcoming email. You opened the application and felt like your heart stopped. You weren't sure If it was a mistake, or a stupid joke, or a virus. You took off gloves from your hands and touched the computer. After a second, you were sure, that it wasn't a bug, and you also knew what was in the email and other four unread ones. You hissed feeling, a small pain in the head. You put the glove on and sighed, opening the email anyways.

Dear Y/N L/N!

We are happy to inform you, that we would like to invite you for the interview, regarding a job. We have looked through your CV and would like to talk to you in person. Please chose a date from given below, and answer to this address as soon as possible.

You stared at the screen, for as long as the voice of Present Mic came back, after the song was over. A job? A CV? There needed to be a mistake. You didn't send any CV to the station, nor to Present Mic himself. However, there was your name...

You took your phone to the hand and open the message box. You didn't care about the late hour. She deserved it.

Shadow girl: I want you to get rid of my CV!!!

You threw the phone on the bad, not exactly knowing what to do. You knew your friend was the only one, who could possibly send needed documents to the station. You didn't even know, they were looking for people. For god's sake, you didn't even know what was the position.

The Chef: Did you get it?

SG: Did you understand my previous message?!

SG: And I get an interview....

TC: OMG YES! Ill come with you! I'm so happy!

TC: You're welcome!

You clenched your fists, but smiled to yourself. You couldn't be mad at her. She did it because she worried. Plus after all you have an opportunity to work with Present Mic. Seriously how could you be mad!

Sounds (Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now