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K just some back story here. I wanted to try something other than fanfic so I looked up 'popular names' and found 'Aliza' so I made a story based on this random name.

Aliza appearance:
Kinda short
Grey eyes
Shoulder length dark hair
Edgy kinda style
(Let's just say she's 21)

Mother: Emily Smith, dead by car accident
Father: Frank Smith, dead by car accident
Siblings: Stacy Smith, lives far away from Aliza and lives a perfect married life.
Aliza lives with her uncle for the beginning of the story.

Keep in mind that it's a work in progress so that's why I called it idk and I might end up not even publishing this so if I do enjoy...

"Aliza!" I hear my uncle shout from down stairs. I knew he was angry at me because no one ever calls me 'Aliza'. I hate it. I usually go by Ali.
"What?!" I shout back, pulling on a heavy coat. It was cold outside so I needed it.
"You're gonna be late!" He shouts. "Come on! It's your first day!"

He was right. It was my first day at this new fancy office job and I was going to be late. I ran downstairs brushing my shoulder length, brown almost black hair so that it looks almost presentable.
"Bye!" I moodily sigh as I slam the door shut. I storm down the driveway and hop into my car heading off for my new job.

I listened to loud music trying to block out my thoughts but it failed. As I sped up I thought of my parents going off that night when I was only 6 years old and getting into that fatal accident... my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a siren behind me.
"Shoot." I say. I pull over knowing I'm late for this stupid job. A policeman gets out the car and walks to my window. I put it down.
"You were going pretty fast there..." he says.
"Listen I'm going to be late for my first day at a new job so if you're gonna Fine me just do it..." the officer just looks at me.
"It's fine... it's been a long morning I can't deal with this. Just go but don't speed again or I will fine you... good luck for your job by the way..." he walked back to his car. I looked out the window amazed at what just happened.
"Thanks!" I shout and I drive again being only 15 minutes late.

I get to the job and immediately get called to my bosses room.
"Hi... I'm really sorry I'm late sir." I said as I walked In and closed the door behind me.
"You're fired." He said bluntly.
"What?! No I haven't even been here a day yet. I really need this money. I'm living with my uncle!" I yelled.
"You've proved that you aren't loyal. Late on you're first day I mean come on Ali!" He basically shouts at me.
"Fine!" I said. I leave the room quickly and walk away with my head down. I bump into someone on the way.
"Woah... sorry." He says. I look up from the ground and see that I have spilled his coffee over him.
"Shoot... I'm so sorry. Today has been the worst day ever..." I run my hands through my hair I look up and see the most beautiful blue eyes I think I've ever seen. He has light brown hair that's pushed to one side and a white t-shirt on thats now covered in coffee.
"I should have been looking where I was going... I'm really sorry." He says.
"No it's my fault. I'll buy you a new coffee..." I say.
"It's fine. I'm Bailey." He smiles at me and sticks a hand out towards me.
"I... I'm Ali..." I say, shaking his hand.
"Do you work here? I haven't seen you here before." He lets go of my hand and puts both his hands in his pockets.
"Well... I did for 5 minutes, then I got fired. So I guess I don't work here. I also got pulled over before coming here late, and then this happened... it's been a really bad day." I laugh.
"Well I'm actually about to have my break so..." he looks down. "If you want we could go for that coffee?" He looks back up at me. I'm taken away by his question. How could someone this beautiful be asking me for coffee?! I just met him!??
I smile. "Okay..."
"Lemme just put my computer off and then we can go..." he says.
"I'll... ermm... wait here..." I say. He walks away and I go on my phone for a few minutes. He comes back with a clean top on.
"I had a spare one on my desk..." he says laughing at my confusion.
"Oh..." I start to laugh too.
"Do you wanna go now?" He points to the door.
"Yeah... Yeah let's go..." I say and we walk to the nearest coffee shop.

We were sitting outside, drinking our coffee. We talked, and got to know each other.
"So do you live on your own or like with a boyfriend or something?" He asks me. I laugh at this. Why am I talking so much to this random guy I just met? Why does it feel like I've known him forever?
"No... I don't have a boyfriend... I live with my uncle, my parents died when I was 6 and my sister lives in Texas with her husband... but I'm just here..." I look down at my hands and I pick the black nail polish off of them.
"Oh... I'm sorry..." he says.
"I don't know why I'm telling you... I just met you..." I laugh emotionlessly still looking at my hands.
"Maybe spilling that coffee was a sign for us to be friends..." He says. I look up at his eyes. They're so clear and beautiful it hurts compared to my grey ones. I feel so boring against him.
"You could be a murderer." I smile at him.
He laughs at my joke. "Nah... I'm not that interesting..." he smiles at me.
"Tell me more about you then... maybe you are interesting." I take a sip of coffee.
"Ermm.... I'm 22, my favourite colour is yellow and I like pizza. See? I'm not as interesting as you." He smiles at me again showing his perfectly straight teeth.
"Do you have any siblings?" I ask him.
"I have a brother and a sister. My brothers name is Tom and my sisters name is Jamie. My parents live pretty far away so I don't see them often and I live with my sister. I think that's pretty much everything about my current life..." he says.
"That's pretty cool... that you live with your sister I mean..." I say.
"Maybe. She doesn't usually like me in the house though... so she can have her girlfriend over."
"I wish I could live on my own..." I say thoughtfully.
"Why don't you?"
I hesitate before answering. "I couldn't afford it... that's why I really needed that job. When does your break end?" I change the subject.
He looks at his watch. "10 minutes..." he sighs. "I enjoyed this..." he looks up at me thoughtfully.
"Me too... you're pretty cool." I say.
"We should do it again..." he says still looking at me.
"Are you flirting with me?!" I jokingly say.
"Maybe. Maybe not... what do you say?" He says smiling at me.
"Sure..." I can't help but smile back. This day just got so much better.

We exchange number and I go home to tell my uncle that I am unemployed again.

"Hey..." I say going in the door to my house.
"Why are you back so soon?" He asks me.
"I got pulled over but they let me go which made me even later and I got fired on my first day... then I spilled coffee over someone." I expect him to be angry at me.
He sighs. "I couldn't see you in an office anyway." He turns his attention back to the tv and I go upstairs to my room.


I was listening to music and then I get a text.


I immediately text back.


I smile when texting him this.

Today was rlly fun I'm free tomorrow. What about you??

My smile gets wider when I read this.

Always free here ;) same coffee shop?

Okay. 11am?

Sure thing.

I know this will probably sound weird and clingy but after talking to you I missed talking to you. Idk. sorry. I'm weird. I promise I'm not a murderer or anything creepy :(

I don't think it's creepy. I think we will be good friends. Goodnight bailey. X

Thanks, night 🙃xx

My heart skips a beat when I see he used the 'x' too. I can't like someone I just met today. I barely know him. Maybe I do like him. No. We're just friends. Right?

I drift off to sleep dreaming about being happy like my perfect sister with someone with the most beautiful eyes I think I've ever seen...

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