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February 1541

Jane Parker knew this was punishment for lying about Queen Anne and her husband George. Before she was exacted she explained to all that Anne and the men minus William Bereton were innocent.

When the king got word of her confession he reopened the case of Anne Boleyn. As Jane Parker said William Bereton was working with 2 unknown people and Cromwell,(Cromwell was already dead so that was one conspirer out of the way) and had managed to poison Anne making her miscarry the baby. He instructed his new Chancellor to investigate the case. He also told his friend Charles Brandon to bring Elizabeth to Court.

While Charles told little 8 year old Elizabeth she was summoned to court (which confused Little Prince Edward and Lady Mary Tudor.( who was visiting her siblings) the king meanwhile looked over Anne's confession and execution speech that was recorded on paper.

Elizabeth arrived at court a few days later. As usual she did not address him as papa but as Your Majesty. He asked her governess Kat Ashley why she does this and Kat responded that Elizabeth is afraid and knows that he does not love her as much as her siblings. The king hugged Elizabeth and telling her to just call him papa.

March 1541

The king finally finished part 1 of Anne's case. He declared Elizabeth a Princess of England again and gave her the titles Princess Royal and Duchess of Pembroke. Everything was told to the court. Anne's innocence and Elizabeth's titles and reinstating.

April 1541

The king discovered Thomas Seymour and the Spanish ambassador had poisoned Anne making her miscarriage their boy. Thomas was to be executed and the ambassador was banished back to Spain for what ever the emperor saw fit to do with him.

May 1541

The king created a day of remembrance on the day Anne was killed. He stared at her letters to him from the early days of their courtship and he finally mourned for Anne. He ordered her body to be moved to Westminster Abby.

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