Two Girlfriends... | Chapter 3

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*In Class*

Adrien's POV:

As I'm sitting in class, I look around and observe my fellow classmates. There's my best buddy Nino sitting on my left, he's listening to tunes. Behind me is Marinette and Alya. Alya is still obsessed with the Ladyblog and Marinette... well, Marinette is shy and I think she's afraid of me, because she is always stuttering and running away from me. 

The funny thing is, when I visit her as Cat Noir, she seems fine. I sigh with content, remembering all those times I visited her; she seemed so different; so much more confident and funny and cute... What am I saying! I don't like Marinette like that. I like Ladybug; at least I think I do... 

To my right is Chloe. She is... how do I say this without being rude. Clingy. Yeah... That's the word.

I turn to Miss Bustier as she is announcing something. I see a new kid walk in but I am hardly paying attention, my thoughts have drifted off and everything else is a blur. What am I supposed to do about Marinette and Ladybug. I think I have more of a chance with Marinette as Cat Noir but probably the opposite with Ladybug. Argh! My life is a disaster!

Suddenly I hear 'Okay, Felix, you can be paired with Marinette, I'm sure working on this project with our class representative will really help you out. You two can have the genre romance.' I don't know why but all of a sudden, I growl. Like out loud! What is wrong with me!? I quickly ask to go to the bathroom and try to ignore the strange looks from everyone.


*In the Bathroom*

'Oh kid; that was hilarious!' cried Plagg, literally doubling over in laughter. 

'Plagg! Why in the world did I just growl?! Is it some side effect from being Cat Noir?!' I ask, but in my head I already knew the answer. 

'Ah kid. You are a crack up. No. The only reason for that hilarious act was jealously. No side effects, nothing, just your own pure jealously.' he replied, starting to calm down from his laughing fit.

'But I wasn't jealous of anything, why would I growl?' I questioned. Big mistake.

'You poor, clueless kid. My best guess is because your girlfriend has been paired up with another guy and they are working on Romance; so you, like any other jealous idiot, growl at him.' Plagg explained, still amused by my actions. 

I blushed and tried to form words, but was interrupted by Plagg. 'Yeah, yeah, I know, "She's not my girlfriend!"' says Plagg, doing his best imitation of me. 

'Ok first of all, Marinette is not my girlfriend, and second of all I do not sound like...' I stopped, realising he had just said what I was going to say. 

'Oh, and by the way kid, you're with Nino, and you're doing Horror.' said Plagg, before disappearing into my shirt.

'How do you even know that?' I question.

'Because, I, unlike you, actually listened.' Plagg said, his voice muffled by my shirt.

'Hey! I do listen I-I was just... lost in thought.' I stuttered, trying to convince Plagg, but failing terribly.

'You really gotta stop thinking about your two girlfriends and focus on more important things in life; like cheese.' Plagg voiced through my shirt.

'You can't stop with the cheese for one second, can you? Like, why do you even like cheese? I thought cats like fish and milk and stuff!' I exclaim before leaving the cubicle I was hiding in.   

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