chapter one

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The plane ride was long, even with Tony's private jet. When we finally landed, I made sure to call Tony. 

Hey sis, you just now land in Starling?

Tone, it's now Star City.  And yes, I just landed.  I even have an apartment ready for me. 

There was a silence, and then
Be careful, alright?  I know that you are a grown woman, very much capable of taking care of yourself, but I worry. 

Well you don't need to, but I appreciate it. Now I gotta go, I'll call you later.

Once every week?

Once every week.  Love you, T.

I only heard him take a deep breath, and could imagine him nodding to himself.

Yeah, you too.

I left the airport and went to the awaiting car.  The passenger side window rolled down, showing an old friend of mine.  "Hey Y/N, how ya been?"
"Good. You?"
"Been better."
I went around to the back end, placing my two suitcases in the back, along with a black duffle bag.  I entered the car, asking him how he knew I was coming as we drove away.  "Your brother called me.  Dunno how he got my number, but then again, he's Tony Stark."
"Yea, don't remind me.  But thanks for picking me up, Digg.  How's life been treating you, after you got back from Afghanistan?"
"Became a bodyguard for Oliver Queen after he came back from the dead. You? What've you been up to since?"
"I-" I was cut off from the car being crashed into.  We flipped once. Twice.  When we stopped, we were upside down.  Digg and I were both bleeding from our heads.  I was slowly loosing consciousness, when Digg shook me, trying to get us out.  He called my name, but quieted as the crunching of footsteps alerted us of our attacker.  "I am only here for the girl.  Should you try and interfere, well," the man chuckled. "Well I'll just have to kill you."
There were several more sets of footsteps, and suddenly the last thing I remember was John Diggle watching as I was dragged away.

Chasing Arrows : Oliver Queen X Stark!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now