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"DON'T MIND ME, I'll just head to my room!" Marinette hurriedly said, feeling rather embarrassed for catching Adrien dancing nearly naked on her kitchen table. To be fair, he didn't exactly choose the most private place to perform his guilty pleasure song, but she still walked in on him. Beyond that, the girl chose to stay and watch for longer than necessary. That was surely going to be a dicey little move to explain.

She had no idea that humans had the ability to surpass a beet in colored facial blushes, but the Adrien before her broke the record.

Quietly shuffling up the stairs and down the hallway, Marinette kept a blush of her own at bay, finally releasing it in the safety of her locked bedroom. Leaning on the wood of her door, she exhaled, hands shaking. Fanning her suddenly warm face, she regrouped.

Not really knowing what else to do, Marinette anxiously began to change out of her required uniform, lusting to feel more comfortable and relaxed in athletic shorts and a baggy t-shirt.

The girl had only gotten so far when the door began to open. In a panic, she hid behind her dresser, sporting a basic pair of panties and a matching orange colored bra. She hadn't put much thought into the clothing that morning, as she was heavily rushed. If Adrien was going to see her undergarments for the first time, they certainly wouldn't be this atrocious duo. No, they needed to do it right if there ever came a time for such matters.

"I'm changing!" Marinette belted, hoping to curb Adrien from entering. It was a success as the door stilled. With a sigh of relief, and steadying of her heartbeat, she tugged on her biggest sleep shirt and shorts.

Grabbing a quick swig of water from a glass nearby, she let Adrien know that she was now decent.

When he peeked his cute face out from behind the ajar door, she couldn't help but smile. Inwardly, she was screaming because of what she just witnessed. Not to mention, Marinette was a little bit disappointed to find out that he had concealed himself with a red quilted blanket covering everything. The sweet boy went as far as to drape the quilt over his head, looking like he belonged in a Christmas church pageant.

Withholding any comment on how ridiculous the boy looked, Marinette greeted him incredibly politely. Reciprocating, he said, "Hello."

"So... I caught you with your pants down," she joked, at a major loss. Unable to stop a pestering of hilarious giggles, she found her unintentional play of words funny.

Bending in half, she continued to laugh, all while Adrien fought a chuckle fest of his own.

The silliness eased the tight tension that seemed to wrap them up in a picturesque bow.

"I'm sorry, it's just... I don't really know what to say to make things better," the girl offered. Adrien straightened his shoulders, practically broadcasting how much taller he was. "In this instance, I think there's not a whole lot that can be done," he flubbed through the heated embarrassment of his flustered cheeks.

"Are you sure? I just feel badly."


Her eyes doubled, motioning for Adrien to continue his train of thought aloud.

"The best, and only way, to fix this is... you're going to think I'm dumb," he tittered. The dark haired girl was growing rapidly impatient at his verbal stumbling. Just hurry it up already!

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