Chapter 2

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"Look at her, she looks like a slut" Marcus spat
"What do you mean looks she IS one, I heard that she was bought by a prince and they have 'amazing' times together" Shelly spat
"I bet he doesn't even doesn't even love her and she begs him to do it" my inspiration whispered, disgusted
"What a whore" my brain told me

I woke up dazed.
My head was throbbing and I had a strange feeling on my stomach. What in the hell?? Master Demarko?
He was behind me (Not in a weird way get your mind out of the gutter) with his arm wrapped round my waist and his head in the crook of my neck. It was...comforting. I think he sensed I was awake because without opening his eyes he said,

"Morning sleepyhead. You seemed to be restless in your sleep so I came into here if you don't mind" oh yeah...that dream...

"There was really no need I was fine..." I muttered

"Don't lie to me, I know when you're lying. Don't try it with me." He glared at me, not to scare me but to show he was being serious

"Well...some of the old people I knew before I became a pet...w-were I mean s-saying bad things about me...." I stuttered. I never really knew how to speak my feelings so It usually came out like that

Masters eyebrows furrowed, "what kind of things?" He asked calmly

"Well they were...calling me names like s-slut...and whore...because I was owned by a prince and that I forced you to you know...with me" my hands made their way to my face and I curled up into a ball.
I felt masters grip tighten on my waist

He abruptly flipped me over so i was face to face with him

Face to hands..

"Look at me Jayda." I was going to refuse but I didn't want a punishment on my first day so I slowly removed my hands from my face

"Don't listen to your dreams, it's probably just having to take in the fact you haven't been here for that've beautiful and none of those wretched names you were being called, and I would not do anything to you if either of us are not comfortable with it" he said, cupping my cheeks in his soft, smooth hands. I wish my hands were as smooth as hands just get ashy really quickly so I have to apply a lot of cream, especially on my knees.

"What lotion do you use?" I blurted out. oops.
"I'm so sorry I don't know where that came from your hands were just so soft an-" he stopped me by placing his finger on my mouth. He has got to stop doing that...

He just laughed softly,
"You're not in trouble, the simple answer is. I don't, we vampires have naturally smooth skin no matter how pale it is."

"Wait but aren't vampires supposed to be scary bloodthirsty demons who drink at their own will and keep humans as slaves to rape and torture them? Aren't they supposed to be so pale their skin feels hard and hold because they don't have hearts so they're ruthless monsters?" I rushed, so many questions I wanted to ask so little time..

"All questions will be answered, but right now we need to get to breakfast. I'll leave some clean clothes outside your door." He said, getting up and using his vampire speed to leave my room.

Now it felt empty...

I got up and walked over to the bathroom. It was a decent size for such a big castle. Speaking of the castle, I wonder if I'll get to explore today!!
Oh come on Jayda your 21 years old stop acting like a child.

Welp I better get in the shower. He probably left so fast because I smell like a farm girl.

I looked in the mirror. I wasn't short for a human but to vampires I probably looked like a midget. My usually shiny black hair looked dark and least my brown skin was still as baby soft as ever~! After admiring myself I looked up and stared into my own eyes. They'd lost their spark...the spark I had when I was small. Running around with my older brother and his friends...I wonder where he is right now...

Snap out of it you fool. I told myself, I looked fine. Perfectly fine. As fine as I always did...I stepped into the shower and smiled to myself...he got the soap I had asked for. I thought vampires were soulless and only cared about their looks.

I turned the shower on, took the soap and began to use my scrunchy to wash. I can't remember the last time I had this smelled amazing.

When I was done I wrapped myself in the fluffiest white towel. I feel like a princess. Well obvious I already look like one but now I have the lifestyle to go with it.

I went to the door and creaked it open a bit so I could grab the clothes and shut the door before anyone could see me. Even though I have master Demarko I have the feeling other vampires would take any chance they could get to suck out a humans blood. Especially since mine is a special type.

The clothes master had left for me weren't all that special, just some leggings and a big-ish looking t-shirt.

Okay this shirt was way too big. I tried tying up the front but the knot looked really big and weird, so I decided to just leave it.

I opened my door and looked around. Jeez his place is bigger than when I last looked at it. I started walking towards Masters room and hesitantly stood in front of the door. But I finally got the courage to knock and he opened the door in 0.02 seconds.

"Hrro" he said, toothbrush handing out of his mouth. Oh my god he's shirtless, what do I do what do I do. Play it cool.

"I'm um, ready." I said quickly, twiddling my thumbs. He gestured for me to come in so I sat on his bed as he went back into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

"Sorry about the shirt, you have a quite small frame and even female vampires are taller than regular humans, I'll make sure to find you something that fits next time" he said as he came out the bathroom. Fully clothed may I add. "But that's the smallest thing I could find"

"It's fine" I said, swinging my legs. It's true I was quite small, mainly because I don't eat a lot but also because I'd always been small, my mother was small too. My...mother....

I hadn't realised that I'd started to cry until master came up to me and kneeled down in front of me with a tissue.

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" He looked genuinely apologetic, and it just made me cry even more...

He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face in his chest.
"I...miss them" I stuttered

He didn't say anything but I know he knew what I meant because he hugged me tighter and hummed a response.

"Me too"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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