humble beginnings (lmao help)

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So,, I'm really unsure of how to format this, but here goes. I'll just give it a folktale vibe and explain it to you as if it were a story of its own.

Alright, so we have Lucifer. He's big, he's bad. He's the greatest and nobody dares to defy his word- not even his older brother, Micheal, though their rivalry as siblings is so heated it seems childish. Anyway, Lucifer does what Lucifer does. He rules, he conquers, he leads- he has a single, tiny little seraph by his side the whole time. Her name is Azrael (Angel Of Death) and she's his most trusted partner in crime. As time goes on, Lucifer begins to realize that it wasn't just himself who had a large ego, and the moment God asks him to submit to humans he can't. So, going against everything he'd been taught, he.. tries to break dad's little toys.

This doesn't go over to well.
In the few moments to come he is left with a fight or flight decision- before he can flee, however, he is captured and sentenced to years and years of torture. Things so brutal they do everything but turn him into a blubbering mass of occasional tears and horrific flashbacks- though as time goes on this is how he ends up- and once he receives the opportunity to free himself he immediately falls to earth.

Here, fallen from greatness and left with nothing, he is in an unknown continent with an unknown language- thankfully, due to his large size and stunningly handsome looks, he is taken under the wing of Ivan III (or Ivan the Great.) Ivan is known as the first true leader of Russia, and he quickly grooms Lucifer into something like a Prince, giving him a sense of belonging he had never had before.

Years go by and Lucifer grows up. By now, Alexander III is in power, and.. his reign is even more brutal than Ivan's own Grandson's had been. Fearing for his life- there was a lot of betrayal going on in the royal ranks at the time- Lucifer flees once more to become a peasant. It isn't long after this that Russia goes to hell and everything becomes communistic, and, surprise surprise, once someone from the royal police recognizes him he is left with the second most important choice of his tortured life: Either join the Red Army, help enforce laws- no matter how horrible they were- and in general just massacre innocent Russian citizens, or join the White army, and fight alongside the Anti-communist function. Not knowing the difference at the time, Lucifer decides to join the Red army, which turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life. Give a child a gun and you'll make them cry (unless they're crazy or some shit) and give Lucifer a gun and you make him scared of himself and what he can do with it. Seeing he was unable to operate correctly for reasons beyond their knowledge, the Russians decide to take matters into their own hands (er.. paws,) and they subject Lucifer to years and years of brutal militaristic training meant to turn him into a ruthless killing machine. They achieve their goal and he becomes nothing more than a tool; a mindless, violent robot bent on destruction and achieving his goals. Sooner or later they send him over to Germany to work with the Nazis and it is then he takes his chance to flee, unhappy with what he was becoming, and he ends up in America. Here, once again in a foreign, unforgiving land with not even a penny to his name, he falls victim to the alcohol epidemic of the 'Roarin' 20s'' And quickly becomes a drunkard. Not only does this further distort his worldview and morals, but it also leads him to fall with the rest of America and its stock market into the Great Depression. After being thrown around so many different places and governments Lucifer finally finds a place to fit in as a factory worker, and he remains in this position until the late 60's when he is framed for murder and he once again has to go into hiding. Eventually he re-emerges sometime around 1978 after stowing away in an abandoned mountain cabin with nothing but a mangy old cat and a half-shattered box t.v., and he returns to work, making enough to buy himself an apartment and live again. However, he somehow once again ends up in the wrong crowd, and before poor Lucifer Morningstar has a chance to fight back he is subjected to sex trafficking- he escapes for what must be the millionth time after this, and as the 90's roll around his rocky, unpredictable life finally settles down enough for him to feel comfortable. He now lives in an apartment, roughly somewhere around Texas- or perhaps San Francisco- and he spends all his spare time reading books and watching Lifetime movies.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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