My jinji

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To say I was shocked was an understatement, why in earth would he bring that up. Their are so many other boring topics of conversations he could have brought up. Oh and honey that is not very straight of you.

"Well um-What the hell im not answering that." I croaked out cause what straight male asks that question!?

"I'm just joking, I told you it was an accident" he said along with a cocky laugh.

I was just glad we have met our destination milk lab, Cause it was suffocating in that car. I mean you can't blame me for not saying anything after that that awkward conversation.

We ordered our stuff (I know nothing about milk lab) and sat down at our table. "Hey ja-" I was about to say something until some bitch cut me off with her squeaky ass voice.

"JAKIEEEEEE I didn't know you would be here with uh him" this bitch had the fucking audacity to look at me up and down and listen here roll her eyes biTch if Jake wasn't here I would have snatched her fucking ugly ass wig.

(I don't feel like writing more btw this bitch is named Molly)

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