26. Released

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One Year Later, Kyung Mi POV

Sophomore year of college has been nothing short of exciting. The girls and I have been having a great time, and we're closer than ever before.

I look down at my phone, joy filling me by looking at the screen.

Eun Ji pinches my cheek, and the sting brings me back to the present. "Yo, can you pay attention for at least five seconds?"

"Sorry," I say, grinning, "but my friend Hye posted pictures with her boyfriend Ha Joon and I just think it's the cutest thing."

She smiles. "But we're working on boyfriends for us! For Jina, anyway."

My eyes flick down to the said girl's phone, where she goes through the pictures of random guys on Tinder.

She shows her screen to us, revealing a brunette with soft eyes. "What do you think?"

Eunji sighs. "Jina, you naive child, if you have to ask then it's an obvious no."

Jina shrugs. "Guess so," she replies, and proceeds to swipe left.

"Oh, Kyung Mi!" Jina chirps, "you should try Tinder too. Then we can have a double date!"

I scoff. "No thanks. Target Eunji with these things."

She pouts just as I feel the buzz of someone calling me.

I look at the phone.

It's Jimin.

I gape at the screen long enough for my friends to question who it's from.

"Nothing. It's nobody." I say, declining the call as I feel my eyes water with hot tears.

My nose twitches. "You know what, J? Maybe I'll try you're dating app after all."


The man before me clears his throat. "So, do you like living here?"

I arc an eyebrow. Is this how Tinder dates are like? Awkward, no sparks, and loads of small talk?

I sigh. I wanted a distraction from the man that has constantly been on my mind, but instead I get a guy that can't even talk to me normally? I wanted to divert my mind from Jimin, but I get this. Not to mention his hair is a mess.

Okay, yes, I'm being harsh. But for good reason. I grew up in luxury, so being picky was basically my birthright.

I purse my lips. "Uh, look, it wouldn't be right to just sit here and act like you're not a distraction from someone else."

He looks down and bows his head. "Ah, guess I couldn't be surprised that someone as pretty as yourself was truly single. Um," he stands up, "can I at least drive you home? Or call you a taxi?"

"No thanks. I drove here, so..."

He nods awkwardly, gesturing to let me leave without another word. Which is exactly what I do.

As I get into my car, a yawn escapes my mouth. "Wow, looks like he bore me to the point of drowsiness." I utter to myself jokingly.

I click the keys in place and turn them, and in turn feel the rumbling of the engine as well as see the car start to subtly shake.

After starting to get out of my parking space, however, I hear a pop sound before something deflates. The car isn't moving.

Dammit, do I have a flat tire?

Wait...what was that screeching-

"SHIT!" My insides freeze as a dark figure appears from nowhere and vigorously starts trying to open the driver car door.

My heart beats at thrice the speed that it ever has, and tears start pouring down my cheeks with the resolve of a waterfall. What do I do? What do I do? Oh my God!

I scramble to the backseat and tumble to the opposite side of where I was moments ago, trying to get as far away from them but still staying in the temporary protection that is my car. But as the figure stops jamming at the driver's door and starts moving to the backseat doors, I make a split second decision. Maybe reckless, maybe stupid, but brave.

You've done self-defense for situations like this! There's no reason not to fight right now; it's time to show that you're not a helpless little girl! So let's beat this piece of shit to a pulp!

Within an instant, my hand reaches for the lock and undo it, swinging the door open and exposing myself to the cold evening air.

Let's do this.

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