Derek's POV

I woke up to the blinding light of the sun shining right in my eye. I blinked a couple of times rubbing my eyes to adjust to the light. I turned around next to me only to see the the spot was empty where Nick once was.

'Maybe he went to the bathroom'

I sat up on my bed to see that Nick was definitely not in the bathroom, he was going through my box that I keep my private 'stuff' in. WAIT NO STOP THINKING HORRIBLE THINGS..ugh it's probably too late by 'stuff' I meant mak- -.

"Makeup?" Nick asked turning around facing me with the box in his hands and a raised eyebrow.

I cleared my throat before hopping out of my bed. "Why are you going through my shit Nick?" I questioned trying to change the subject of why I had makeup.

"I-i woke up early." He stated looking down at the box. "But what's all off this?" He asked raising the box shaking it.

When I was a freshman I used to wear makeup to school it helped me feel more confident and I really was good at it, but then came Bryan and his gang of idiots who would mess with me everyday making my life a living hell. So I stopped wearing it to school no one really bothered to talk to me I guess they thought the same thing Bryan did. That I was a Freak.

I didn't want Nick to start treating me like Bryan who teased me, threw my shit down toilets, and beat me up day after day for no reason. I never did anything to him. Why me..

"Are you okay?" I heard Nick whisper, I snapped out of my thoughts and realized that tears were running down my flushed face. "I won't go through your things again. Please don't cry." He comforted putting the box down walking over to me, hugging me tightly. I hugged the taller boy back resting my head on his shoulder.

"It's not that..I trust's just your step-brother is a horrible guy." I whispered out not even regretting saying bad things about Bryan in front of his new brother.

Nick pulled away and looked at me with confusion. "What else did he do to you." He asked trying to look me in the eye, but I kept looking around the room instead of looking into the brown eyes that were intensely starring at me.

"Shit we're gonna be late let's go," I gasped changing the subject again walking away from Nick and going to my closet. "You can go get ready in the bathroom." I said sniffling a bit. When I looked back at Nick he was standing in the same place as before looking at me with a half confused half concerned face. I just gave him a reassuring smile trying to let him know that I'm fine. I'm not fine.

But Nick must have believed it because he smiled back picking up his bag and headed to the bathroom. I sighed in relief not wanting to talk about everything that has happened in the past even before the makeup. Bryan is a horribly messed up guy.

I snapped out of my thoughts once again trying not to think about the past events but it was hard not to, but I managed.

I took out my outfit and got dressed, by the time I was done Nick was out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen to say 'good morning ' so the bathroom was all mines to use.

When I was done with everything I made my way to the kitchen to see my mom and Nick sitting down at the table laughing and talking.

"Mornin," I said to my mom who smile grew wider when she looked at me.

"Morning honey breakfasts in the fridge."

"I don't think I'm gonna eat right now thanks though." He smile fell as she gave me a concerned look, but she nodded slowly looking worried. Because I had just started to eat properly again.

"Ready?" I asked Nick throwing my bag over my back. Be nodded his head saying his 'thank yous' to my mom before following me out the door.

"So.." he started, shoving his hands in his pockets. "What happened back there?" He asked sounding concerned.

"My mom just likes making sure I eat." I said with a nervous chuckle.

"No not that in your room Bryan?"

"I'm sorry Nick but I can't tell you." I said in more like a whisper I put my head down looking at the ground kicking random rocks in my path.

The rest of the walk was pretty silent Nick looked like he was thinking and I didn't want to interrupt so I stayed quiet and kicked hundreds of rocks to keep me busy.

"We're..earlier than I thought my clock must have been wrong." I lied I didn't even look at the clocked I just panicked to get out of the question and being late was the first thing that came to mind..

"let's sit." Nick said catching me by surprise grabbing my arm pulling me over to a bench.

"What were those papers Bryan ripped up?" he asked. I'm so sick of hearing that name.

"My stories I'm a writer."

"What was it about?"

"it's stupid." I chuckled kicking my legs back and forth.

Nick leaned over nudging me "c'mon I want to get to know you better." he said playfully pouting like a puppy.

"Fine." I said dragging the 'f'. It's about a young boy of the name Derek Kildall and his screwed up life.

"Ah so like a book about I would love to read it sometime"

"As amazing as that sounds it's gone Bryan ripped it." I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.

"ya but it's a book about yourself why can't you write it again I meant he didn't rip your life up just the papers."

But yet he did rip my life up the papers honestly had it better than me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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