Falling Apart

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Takes place after The Pirate Season and the Departed Special.


Chapter 1

The Ninja were in a battle against the mechanic. A menace that builds machines and gadgets to his own benefit but from others people's things and a certain nindroid's parts.

He was supposed to be serving a jail sentence at this moment in time but he escaped by collecting metal spoons and paper clips. The mechanic made a machine and it sat in the streets of Ninjago while he laughed hysterically. The ninja tried to shut it down but the mechanic kept fighting back.

"Zane! What is that thing?!" Cole shouted over to the ninja who was scanning the piece of junk.

"I am not certain. It is made up of simple at home objects and I can not find out what it's purpose is." Zane answered puzzled.

"Why don't we smack it till it stops working?!" Kai suggested and readied his blade for a hit.

"Kai! Be reasonable! What if it is explosive?!" Lloyd yelled out with clenched teeth. He was in the middle of holding back the mechanic so his team could stop the machine from fulfilling its duties.

Jay was fiddling with a control panel and trying to turn it off. "Well there is a count down on this thing and I don't know what to do!" Jay panicked and stopped what he was doing to hold his head.

"Foolish ninja! You will not stop The Mechanic! MuHaHAHAHA!" The mechanic shouted and caught up in his moment. Lloyd punched him in the face and knocked him to the ground.

"Wow he was getting annoying anyway." Lloyd said with a sigh. He pinned the mechanic down with his foot and pointed his sword at him to show he wasn't meant to move.

Cole walked to Jay and patted his shoulder. "It's alright Jay. I know you can figure out this hunk of junk."

"But that's the thing Cole! It's so simple I can't figure it out! If I knew what this was I would know what to do!" Jay started to panic again he covered his head with his hands.

"This is Gayle Gossip and we are live at the sight of the intense fight with the ninja and the mechanic! Who will win?! And what is that machine?! Fire ninja what do you have to say about this scene?!"

Kai spun around to see a microphone be shoved in his face. He saw the news reporter and cameraman staring at him. He gently moved the microphone away from his face.

"You are too close to the 'scene'. This could be an explosive for all we know. Also there is no more fight." He stepped aside so the camera could pick up the sight of Lloyd pointing his sword at the mechanic and his foot firmly on his chest. "If I were you I would go somewhere safer and interview any witnesses."

Gayle's face turned red under her glasses and she turned the cameraman. "Keep filming." She whispered and stood out of the camera's frame so the camera could catch the scene.

Kai watched over Jay as he kept getting frustrated with the machine. Jay pulled off his mask and it was clear that he was soaked in sweat not just from the situation but from the heat the machine produced.

Suddenly a small explosion went off from the control panel right in Jay's face. His face was black with smoke and he coughed while he laid on the ground from being knocked down.

"Are you okay?!" Cole asked in worry as Zane and him helped Jay sit back up.

"I'm just peachy! I have one idea left and if it doesn't work we are so hooped!" Jay yelled and moved to his feet. "You might want to stand back."

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