Escaping Help

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Chapter 4

One day before

Kai began to come back to the world with the sounds of voices and sirens blaring around him. He opened his eyes but it was all fuzzy.

"Hey there pal. Glad to see that you're awake. I was worried that I would have to switch on the sirens." An unfamiliar voice over powered the distance sirens and muffled chaos. Kai lazily opened his eyes as if he slept for days. His head pounded and he felt weak. "You look a little pale there. Do you need a throw up bag?"

Kai didn't know he responded till there was a bag being placed to his chin. He couldn't keep track of what was happening but the person who spoke to him was rubbing his back and he said, "It's alright pal, let it out."

After Kai threw up a bit, he rolled from his side to his back and his eyes closed as if weighted.

"Woah woah buddy! Can't have you sleepin' just yet. Can I get your name? Do you need a hospital?"

The mention of a hospital snapped Kai back in reality and he tried to sit up and finally noticed a brace on his neck.

"Pal take it slow." The person grabbed Kai's arm and slid an arm behind Kai's back and helped him sit up. "I don't know exactly what happened but your condition is worrying me. Maybe its the best call to take you to the hospital."

Kai opened his eyes wide and his vision began to clear. "No.. hospital" his cleared his throat uncomfortably underneath the neck brace. He looked around his surrounding without twisting head and found he was in the back of an ambulance. The person that was present with him was an EMT. The ambulance doors were closed and Kai was on a stretcher.

Kai put a hand on his forehead and he closed his eyes. "Where are the ninja? Why am I in an ambulance? Are my injuries that bad?"

"The ninja stopped the mechanic so they left. You are safe now. You were found unconscious by the ninja and I couldn't determine your injuries with you being unconscious. The news reporter, Gayle, kept saying she knew you but I separated you from her just in case. She is quite... hysterical." The EMT clicked his pen and prepared to write, "What's your name?"

Kai dropped his hand and blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to clear his vision and racing thoughts. "The ninja left?" Kai glanced over to the EMT, who looked confused.

"I don't know much about the ninja or what happened but I was hoping you could tell me what happened and if you are in pain. What's your name?" The EMT repeated his question for the third time and Kai ignored. He was staring at his hand that was previously holding his head. His hand looked strange and he started to panic remembering what happened last.

Kai shifted his legs off the stretcher and tried to stand but he was too weak to hold up his weight. The EMT ended up catching Kai before he hit the medical equipment that was crammed into the ambulance.

"Oook you obviously need some medical attention." The EMT carefully helped Kai to lay on the stretcher. He reached for his radio and held the button. "We have a code 3, light and sirens. The patient failed to respond to questions and collapsed."

Kai wanted to say that he was fine and that he didn't want to go to the hospital but his vision was sprinkled with black dots till everything turned dark.

".. R7! I'm loosing him...Stay with me!..."


Kai woke up with a gasp and his eyes snapped open. He immediately knew that he was in a new location but his eyes hadn't adjusted yet.

He could still feel the suffocating neck brace and he felt a newer sensation of thin sheets over his legs and torso but under his arms.

"Hello sir. It's a relief to finally see you up. How are you feeling?" Kai heard a new voice and he tried to move his head, almost immediately forgetting he had the neck brace. Then he tried to sit up but his arms felt tingly and weak. "My apologies.."

The bed slowly started to shift and Kai began to move into an upright position. Kai frantically scanned the room as his vision cleared. He saw a nurse next to his bed adjusting his IV.

When he noticed the IV he started to panic a little.

"It's alright, Sir. You are at the hospital. The IV was just to get some fluids in you. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm going to get your doctor." She left and Kai quickly started to take note of his surroundings.

'IV, neck brace, no pain but a slight headache, hospital gown... where is my ninja gi...' He spotted clothes on a desk on the other side of the room. He had to be quick if he wanted to escape.

Kai carefully took the IV out of his arm and swung his legs off the bed. His bare feet touched the tiled floor and he shivered. His legs nearly gave out a number of times but he managed to stumble to the desk with the clothes.

Before changing he grabbed a cotton ball and ace bandages and wrapped his elbow area to stop the bleeding from the IV.

He didn't recognize the clothes but he had to change out of the hospital gown. Kai reached up to the neck brace and pulled the velcro pieces off. Once it was off, Kai started to roll and stretch his neck.

Not even a minute later he was pulling off the hospital gown. He stopped when he reached for the clothes. 'What's wrong with my body?'

Kai looked down at his chest and stomach. 'My abs... my muscles...'

Kai's hands traced his figure in confusion but then looked to his hands to notice that he didn't have his calluses from his ninja training.

'I don't have time for this..' He threw on the jeans, sneakers, white t-shirt and blue jacket. He brushed back his hair that he felt was shorter. Kai saw the blue hat also on the desk and he grabbed it. He put on the hat while he walked to the door.

Kai stopped mid motion when he heard voices outside his door. 'I can't be caught!' He stumbled to the door and locked it.

The handle began to jiggling, he was running out of time. Kai jogged to the window that was next to his bed and he fidgeted with the lock. Normally the lock would be a piece of cake but Kai couldn't activate his powers!

"Vinny?! Open up!" Kai heard a voice call out from behind the door. "I'll be forced to call security!"

Kai mentally sighed, 'thank goodness they didn't realize that I'm a ninja.' Kai rummaged through the desk to look for something to break the lock on the window.

Kai settled for a pen and after taking it apart he was left with the thin ink tube. He managed to jam it into the lock mechanisms. It was one of the things he learned as a ninja but with a bobby pin. The lock clicked and Kai pushed open the heavy window.

'Why am I so weak?!' Kai thought and he moved to sit on the window sill.

"Vinny! Last warning before security busts open this door! We just want to help you!" The voice called out and Kai rolled his eyes.

'My powers aren't working and my body must have become weaker from what the Mechanics machine did. No powers but I still have my training.'

Kai's feet went to a little ledge underneath the window. It was just wide enough to fit his feet sideways. He started to shuffle away from the window and to a power line that had a cover on it.

The floor he was on was only four stories off the ground but in his weaker state and without powers, he couldn't risk hurting himself. Kai just had to get away and find the ninja.

There was an alley way between the hospital and the neighboring building. Kai put his hands on the covered power line and slide that the next building over. He had to shuffle over on that building to get to the fire escape. After running all the way down the fire escape, he jumped down into the alley way and ran.

Kai didn't have his communicator on him so he started heading to someone who could contact the ninja.


Two updates in one day?! You're not dreaming! :D

What do you think with happen in the next chapter?

(Current day- August 21, 2019- I updated the cameraman's name to Vinny now that there is a cannon (confirmed) name to the character. I gave him the name David so if you see a "David" that I forgot to switch out, sorry! I'm sorry for the confusion!)

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