Chapter 3

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"Oops." Emma apologises and rubs a hand on the back of her neck as her parents look towards her in shock of the loud noise she caused.

They both then blushed, remembering that they had been about to kiss before Emma had crashed through the door.

All three of them looks between one other, sharing quick glances of surprise, before bursting out laughing at the situation they were in.

"I guess you get your clumsiness from me." Marinette says between laughs and Emma nods in agreement.

"Thankfully, I'm the only clumsy one out of the three of us." She responds grumpily, remembering some of the playful teasing her brothers and friends had made about it.

The three of them laugh off the nervous energy surrounding them and smile once again.

A few moments later the bell rings, signalling that class is starting in a few minutes. Marinette, feeling a sudden burst of confidence, kisses Adrien's cheek before quickly scurrying off to her own seat behind him which leaves Adrien blushing a bright red.

Emma sits next to him, trying to muffle her giggles with her hand, as Nino and Alya walk through the door. The rest of the class soon follows until the classroom is full and Miss Bustier is ready to start her lesson.

"Good morning class!" She greets, writing the date on the blackboard behind her desk.

"Good morning Miss Bustier!" They all chorus in return.


Later that day, after the trio had endured Chloé's not so shocking shouts of protest when she first found out about Marinette being her mama instead of her and gone through the day's classes, Adrien, Marinette and Emma found themselves walking towards the bakery that Marinette's parents owned.

Emma could see the blushes painted across her parent's faces as they cross the street, hand in hand. They had been inseparable all day.

Alya, Nino and herself had made Adrien and Marinette go on a date so that they could get to know each other better. Emma was already beginning to see them starting to act the way they do in the future.

And, of course, Alya and Nino were spying on her parents along with her the whole time. Something about it being their duty to help their friend's love lives.

Emma then promptly reminded them that they get married in the future and that it's thanks to her parents that Nino managed to propose to Alya in the first place. He was so nervous about the whole ordeal even though it was a guaranteed yes!

The bakery door bell chimes loudly as they walk inside, alerting Sabine of their arrival. Sabine gasps at Adrien and Marinette's intertwined hands as soon as she spots them from her place at the register and a large grin spreads on her face.

"Tom! You need to see this!" She exclaims, pointing to their hands as Tom wipes the flour on his hands onto his apron and walks out of the back of the bakery. He sees their intertwined hands and nods at Adrien in reassurance after spotting the boy's nervous look.

Sabine then spots Emma standing next to the two of them and her expression changes to one of confusion.

"And who is this? A new friend of yours?" She asks, referring to Emma.

"This is Emma." Marinette introduces. "She's from the future." She continues and looks nervous to say the next part of her sentence.

Seeing her discomfort, Adrien squeezes her hand comfortingly and proceeds to finish her sentence for her. "She's our future daughter." He admits, smiling in Emma's direction.

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