Part 3 - The End

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In the days following our encounter, I was still trying to figure out my feelings and how to deal with this. Apparently, I had to take some vacation as the members were all on break and later I might not get the chance. I had so much time on my hands that I decided to go for walks, explore the city and take pictures. That's how I run again into him and we greeted each other like old friends. He asked me how come I was around the city at that time, I told him about the vacation and my intention on taking the time and travel a while, maybe also to Japan. He was pleased to see that I still wanted to do that round trip that we once talked about doing together, and he suggested I should do it now that I have the time. We walked home and talked about his current songs that he was working on at the moment. I was pleased to see him smile and be happy about his music, as it reminded me of the old days when we would spend our afternoons locked in his studio as he was working on his songs and I was working on my photos/videos. I noticed that he left his hair grow, so I told him that it suits him and should leave his hair grow more. He told me that he asked the managers multiple times to let him get a nose piercing like mine but they rejected the idea all the times he brought it up. It was so nice to talk that causally with him as I still felt like he was the only person I could confide in. So, without thinking about it too much, I asked him if he wanted to come upstairs and eat with me. I was ready to receive a refusal, yet he agreed and we went to my apartment and we prepared dinner together. We then drank some wine while we sat on the floor of the living room, like old times. <<I have to say that I really missed this. I missed talking to you.>> he said and looked away embarrassed. I laughed <<I missed it too. I still think you're the only person that understands me the most>>. He looked at me and smiled, so I naturally leaned toward him to kiss his cheek, but he suddenly kissed me on the lips. His lips were soft and sweet as I remember, and his kiss deadly to me. He leaned more toward me and hugged me while continuing kissing me. I lost track of time as that moment felt like an eternity and I wanted to last that much. When he finally broke the kiss, he looked me in the eyes and told me <<I really wanted to kiss you so badly since I saw you on my birthday. I missed your lips and your sweet kisses. Please give me another chance. I really want us to be together>>. Oh those words stroke me like a thunderbolt, the words that I wanted him to tell me so badly all this time. <<I don't know if I can trust you again. If you can promise me that you will come clean about our relationship when the time comes and you will not back down like you did back then. And more importantly, that you will not hurt me again like that>> I said and looked down. <<I promise you!! I will never do that again because I love you with all my heart, and I could not forgive myself for what I did to you. But I want to make up to you.>> said and took out from his pocket a ring <<The day you broke up with me, I wanted to give you this. I want you to be my wife and now I want to finally ask you if you want that too. You don't have to answer to me now, but please take it as a promise that I will never do that again and that I wish to have you by my side forever>>. I looked at the ring with no words to say, I didn't expect that at all and I wasn't sure what to answer. After taking a few minutes, I told him <<I think you should keep it and ask me properly another time. I believe you that your intentions are sincere, so let's just try again and see where this goes first. We need time to gain again each other trust and overcome what happened before>>. He nodded and said satisfied <<As you wish. Next time, my proposal will be so romantic that you will not be able to say no>>. I laughed and kissed him on the lips.

And just like that, we were again together and everything fell into place. We agreed to take it slow and don't say anything to anyone for the time being until we were sure about our feelings. We spent my vacation together and went to that trip we once planned to do together. It was liked the fight never happened and, when we returned from the trip, we continued to see each other like we did before. After a month we were going out, we finally announced it to our friends and family. I didn't expect it, but they were actually very happy to see us back together.

I met him on a rainy day and from that day my life changed forever.Where stories live. Discover now