Where Am I?

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I woke up hearing beeping.

"Where am I?" I thought

"Doctor! Doctor she's awake!" A voice yelled, my father's.

Then all at once three female doctors came in a blonde, a brunette,  and a red head. They were all pretty.

"Hey, Chastity!" They all said at the same time. "Hi..." I say blankly. "So Chastity we're goin to have a police officer in here so you can give a description of the man that raped you." Blondie said. "Okaee." I say.

*Officer Arrives*

A/N- what should the jerk that raped poor Chasi look like

 "So Ms.Taylor can you tell me what the guy looked like?" Officer whatever his name is asked me.

"Well he was sexy as hell, he was light skin, had an eyebrow piercing, a piercing on his bottom lip on the left side, he had a big ass tattoo on his chest that said 'Faith' and 'Paula' and it looked l;ike clouds there was birds and I coulda sworn flowers but they was his nipples." I say giving my full description.

"Okay? Thank you Ms.Taylor." Officer WHN said then left.

"When can I leave?" I asked the brunette and the red head.

"When you're ready!" They both say.

Umm....tf? kinda hospital daddy bring me to.

I got up and got dressed in what my dad brought me. 


*In The Car*

"Chas, we're moving."My father says outta the blue. "No the fuck we areen't."I say. "will you please just look at the house? I sent the link to your phone." he says.

I check my messages. http://cdn.freshome.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/beach-house-weather.jpg nice house but I can't live there I refuse to let my old life go and if you can't accept that I'm sorry but I'm not staying with you.

"Chastity okay I'll negotiate with you you have to spend every holiday and 3 months with me a year but I have a friend who has a son you can stay with him his name is Christopher." My Father said. "You have yourself a deal" I answer him liking his negotiation.

"Well we were supposed to move tomorrow but since you don't want to stay with me you can start packing up your old room tonight and if you're done by noon. I'll take you over to meet Christopher ." he said.

Well we just got home and I just lay there staring at my room all the purple and blue features making the room look like it didn't belong to a normal teenage girl.

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